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How do I pass a value from a child back to the parent form?

Create a property (or method) on FormOptions, say GetMyResult:

using (FormOptions formOptions = new FormOptions())

    string result = formOptions.GetMyResult;

    // do what ever with result...

If you're just using formOptions to pick a single value and then close, Mitch's suggestion is a good way to go. My example here would be used if you needed the child to communicate back to the parent while remaining open.

In your parent form, add a public method that the child form will call, such as

public void NotifyMe(string s)
    // Do whatever you need to do with the string

Next, when you need to launch the child window from the parent, use this code:

using (FormOptions formOptions = new FormOptions())
    // passing this in ShowDialog will set the .Owner 
    // property of the child form

In the child form, use this code to pass a value back to the parent:

ParentForm parent = (ParentForm)this.Owner;

The code in this example would be better used for something like a toolbox window which is intended to float above the main form. In this case, you would open the child form (with .TopMost = true) using .Show() instead of .ShowDialog().

A design like this means that the child form is tightly coupled to the parent form (since the child has to cast its owner as a ParentForm in order to call its NotifyMe method). However, this is not automatically a bad thing.

You can also create a public property.

// Using and namespace...

public partial class FormOptions : Form
    private string _MyString;    //  Use this
    public string MyString {     //  in 
      get { return _MyString; }  //  .NET
    }                            //  2.0

    public string MyString { get; } // In .NET 3.0 or newer

    // The rest of the form code

Then you can get it with:

FormOptions formOptions = new FormOptions();

string myString = formOptions.MyString;

You can also create an overload of ShowDialog in your child class that gets an out parameter that returns you the result.

public partial class FormOptions : Form
  public DialogResult ShowDialog(out string result)
    DialogResult dialogResult = base.ShowDialog();

    result = m_Result;
    return dialogResult;