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Is there an index property with CDK data table or Material2 data table?

I am using the Angular2 Material Design data table in my application and it's awesome. I was wondering if there is any way to get the index number or row number? Something like row.index? I noticed in the CDK data table documentation that it mentions that "The directive also exports the same properties as ngFor (index, even, odd, first, last)" but does not have any examples how to get the index.

Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

like image 669
Prita Hasjim Avatar asked Aug 01 '17 19:08

Prita Hasjim

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1 Answers

Thanks @Nehal, that works for that example. I was trying to make unique ID's per entry by using the index so I also found a similar solution where I defined index with cdkCellDef. Below is my solution, where index is i.

<md-cell *cdkCellDef="let row; let i = index;">
  <div id="{{i}}-info">
    index: {{i}}
    info: {{row.info}}
like image 84
Prita Hasjim Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 12:10

Prita Hasjim