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Is there an equivalent to __MODULE__ for named functions in Elixir/ Erlang?




Is there an equivalent for retrieving the name of a function just like like __MODULE__ retrieves the name of a Module in Elixir/Erlang?


defmodule Demo do
  def home_menu do
    module_name = __MODULE__
    func_name = :home_menu 
    # is there a __FUNCTION__


The selected answer works,

but calling the returned function name with apply/3 yields this error:

[error] %UndefinedFunctionError{arity: 4, exports: nil, function: :public_home, module: Demo, reason: nil}

I have a function :

defp public_home(u, m, msg, reset) do


The function in question will strictly be called within its module.

Is there a way to dynamically call a private function by name within its own module?

like image 591
Charles Okwuagwu Avatar asked Nov 14 '17 08:11

Charles Okwuagwu

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What is __ module __ In Elixir?

__MODULE__ is a compilation environment macros which is the current module name as an atom. Now you know alias __MODULE__ just defines an alias for our Elixir module. This is very useful when used with defstruct which we will talk about next.

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Named Functions. An Elixir function is typically named, and is called a "named function". Functions are defined with the def keyword followed by a parameter list. A function also has a body containing the contents of the function. Like modules, the function body begins with the do keyword and ends with the end keyword.

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1 Answers

▶ defmodule M, do: def m, do: __ENV__.function  
▶ M.m                                                 
#⇒ {:m, 0}

Essentially, __ENV__ structure contains everything you might need.

like image 163
Aleksei Matiushkin Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 20:10

Aleksei Matiushkin