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Is there an equivalent of spriting for SVG images in web pages?

SVG images aren’t bitmaps, so (unless I’m missing something) you can’t do spriting like you can with other images files used on web pages (see http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprites).

But is there an equivalent mechanism to display only part of an SVG image as a CSS background?

E.g. imaginary syntax:

div.my-special-svg-div {
    background-image: url(sprite-image.svg#one-shape-in-the-svg-file);
like image 881
Paul D. Waite Avatar asked Oct 28 '10 14:10

Paul D. Waite

1 Answers

You can use 'traditional' CSS sprite techniques to slice up SVG images with background position, here's a quick example, though it does get a little confusing if you also start using background-size. It's probably easier if you define a size on your SVG image:

<svg version="1.1" 
     viewBox="0 0 320 240">
like image 161
robertc Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
