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Troublesome bug Chrome Developer tools in last update. How can I avoid it?

So, Chrome released a new version of its browser (v95.0.4638.54) adding a new feature than not only I can't use. Its bugged and also cause me a lot of trouble when I'm developing...

This new feature adds the option to change the type of units in dimension. Like for example, from 3px to 3em, 3cm, 3%... I don't really see the point on this, but guess that could be useful for someone if they added that.

So the first and less important problem is that I can't use this feature, cause it uses white background even if you use dark theme and your font is white too...

That's how it looks for me

And now THE REAL TROUBLE. It seems that they didn't tested how it works... It just... It didn't work... Lets say for example that I defined this styles with the Dev Tools:

color: white;
padding: 2em 0 0 2em;
border-radius: 0 0 1em 1em;

When I try to copy the text and paste it on any IDE or text editor, that's what I get now:

    color: white;
    padding: 2
  0 0 2
    border-radius: 0 0 1

So... Downgrade my browser before this bug is not an option, I have to see what I develop on last version.

  1. There's some online tool or light program to format the copied text until Chrome fix their bug? I don't want to format the whole document for a few lines.
  2. There's some Chrome extension or way to avoid the bug without changing the Chrome version?
  3. Is there a way to automatically modify my clipboard to paste something at least less disturbing?
like image 862
Marcopole Avatar asked Oct 28 '21 06:10


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1 Answers

This feature is reverted in v96 which was published today (nov 15).

I Assume they will test it properly before pushing it in the next version, though I don't see the use of this feature at all

like image 107
Mordy Stern Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 07:10

Mordy Stern