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Is there a way to programmatically convert JSON to AVRO Schema?

I need to create AVRO file but for that I need 2 things:


2) Avro Schema

From these 2 requirements - I have JSON:

{"web-app": {
  "servlet": [   
      "servlet-name": "cofaxCDS",
      "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.CDSServlet",
      "init-param": {
        "configGlossary:installationAt": "Philadelphia, PA",
        "configGlossary:adminEmail": "[email protected]",
        "configGlossary:poweredBy": "Cofax",
        "configGlossary:poweredByIcon": "/images/cofax.gif",
        "configGlossary:staticPath": "/content/static",
        "templateProcessorClass": "org.cofax.WysiwygTemplate",
        "templateLoaderClass": "org.cofax.FilesTemplateLoader",
        "templatePath": "templates",
        "templateOverridePath": "",
        "defaultListTemplate": "listTemplate.htm",
        "defaultFileTemplate": "articleTemplate.htm",
        "useJSP": false,
        "jspListTemplate": "listTemplate.jsp",
        "jspFileTemplate": "articleTemplate.jsp",
        "cachePackageTagsTrack": 200,
        "cachePackageTagsStore": 200,
        "cachePackageTagsRefresh": 60,
        "cacheTemplatesTrack": 100,
        "cacheTemplatesStore": 50,
        "cacheTemplatesRefresh": 15,
        "cachePagesTrack": 200,
        "cachePagesStore": 100,
        "cachePagesRefresh": 10,
        "cachePagesDirtyRead": 10,
        "searchEngineListTemplate": "forSearchEnginesList.htm",
        "searchEngineFileTemplate": "forSearchEngines.htm",
        "searchEngineRobotsDb": "WEB-INF/robots.db",
        "useDataStore": true,
        "dataStoreClass": "org.cofax.SqlDataStore",
        "redirectionClass": "org.cofax.SqlRedirection",
        "dataStoreName": "cofax",
        "dataStoreDriver": "com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver",
        "dataStoreUrl": "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://LOCALHOST:1433;DatabaseName=goon",
        "dataStoreUser": "sa",
        "dataStorePassword": "dataStoreTestQuery",
        "dataStoreTestQuery": "SET NOCOUNT ON;select test='test';",
        "dataStoreLogFile": "/usr/local/tomcat/logs/datastore.log",
        "dataStoreInitConns": 10,
        "dataStoreMaxConns": 100,
        "dataStoreConnUsageLimit": 100,
        "dataStoreLogLevel": "debug",
        "maxUrlLength": 500}},
      "servlet-name": "cofaxEmail",
      "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.EmailServlet",
      "init-param": {
      "mailHost": "mail1",
      "mailHostOverride": "mail2"}},
      "servlet-name": "cofaxAdmin",
      "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.AdminServlet"},

      "servlet-name": "fileServlet",
      "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.FileServlet"},
      "servlet-name": "cofaxTools",
      "servlet-class": "org.cofax.cms.CofaxToolsServlet",
      "init-param": {
        "templatePath": "toolstemplates/",
        "log": 1,
        "logLocation": "/usr/local/tomcat/logs/CofaxTools.log",
        "logMaxSize": "",
        "dataLog": 1,
        "dataLogLocation": "/usr/local/tomcat/logs/dataLog.log",
        "dataLogMaxSize": "",
        "removePageCache": "/content/admin/remove?cache=pages&id=",
        "removeTemplateCache": "/content/admin/remove?cache=templates&id=",
        "fileTransferFolder": "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/content/fileTransferFolder",
        "lookInContext": 1,
        "adminGroupID": 4,
        "betaServer": true}}],
  "servlet-mapping": {
    "cofaxCDS": "/",
    "cofaxEmail": "/cofaxutil/aemail/*",
    "cofaxAdmin": "/admin/*",
    "fileServlet": "/static/*",
    "cofaxTools": "/tools/*"},

  "taglib": {
    "taglib-uri": "cofax.tld",
    "taglib-location": "/WEB-INF/tlds/cofax.tld"}}}

But how to create AVRO Schema based on it?

Looking for programatic way to do that since will have many schemas and can not create Avro Schema manually every time.

I checked 'avro-tools-1.8.1.jar' but that can not create Avro Schema from JSON directly.

Looking for a Jar or Python code that can create JSON -> Avro schema. It is ok if Data Types are not perfect (Strings, Integers and Floats are good enough for start).

like image 900
Joe Avatar asked Oct 04 '17 03:10


People also ask

What is JSON encoded Avro?

Avro is a row-oriented remote procedure call and data serialization framework developed within Apache's Hadoop project. It uses JSON for defining data types and protocols, and serializes data in a compact binary format.

Is Avro better than JSON?

Avro has a JSON like data model, but can be represented as either JSON or in a compact binary form. It comes with a very sophisticated schema description language that describes data. We think Avro is the best choice for a number of reasons: It has a direct mapping to and from JSON.

2 Answers

Give this one a shot. http://www.dataedu.ca/avro

It basically infers the Avro schema that accepts the JSON.

You can even give it a JSON array. What it would do is generating an Avro schema that is compatible with all the JSON documents in your array.

There are other tools that you can verify the result.

like image 114
Iraj Hedayati Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Iraj Hedayati

you can use Kite SDK util to infer avro schema from a json input.



    String json = "{\n" +
            "    \"id\": 1,\n" +
            "    \"name\": \"A green door\",\n" +
            "    \"price\": 12.50,\n" +
            "    \"tags\": [\"home\", \"green\"]\n" +
    String avroSchema = JsonUtil.inferSchema(JsonUtil.parse(json), "myschema").toString();


         "doc":"Type inferred from '1'"
         "doc":"Type inferred from '\"A green door\"'"
         "doc":"Type inferred from '12.5'"
         "doc":"Type inferred from '[\"home\",\"green\"]'"

You can find the maven dependency here

like image 28
hlagos Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09
