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Django Rest Framework: Retrieving object count from a model

Does anyone know how can I successfully retrieve the object count of a model, in JSON format, and how I need to configure my routing? I'm trying to achieve this using a APIView and returning a Response formatted by JSONRenderer.


@renderer_classes((JSONRenderer, JSONPRenderer))
def InfluenciasCountView(request, format=None):
    influencia_count = Influencia.objects.count()
    content = {'influencia_count': influencia_count}
    return Response(content)

Here's the route I'm using:

url(r'^influencias/count/$', views.InfluenciasCountView, name='influencias-count')
like image 641
Rafael Nascimento Avatar asked Aug 06 '14 03:08

Rafael Nascimento

1 Answers

Check out this snippet of code (the second one). If this does not suit your need, please add some of your code (for better understanding).


For routing, DRF offers a default router for each view. This means that you can have the following configuration in your urls.py: (using the example from the previous link)

url(r'^users/count/$', views. UserCountView.as_view(), name='users-count')

Then, when you access the URL your_base_url/users/count/ you will see something like {'user_count': 10}.


The entire code should look like this:

class UserCountView(APIView):
    A view that returns the count of active users.
    renderer_classes = (JSONRenderer, )

    def get(self, request, format=None):
        user_count = User.objects.count()
        content = {'user_count': user_count}
        return Response(content)
like image 148
AdelaN Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
