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Is there a way to forbid subclassing of my class?

Say I've got a class called "Base", and a class called "Derived" which is a subclass of Base and accesses protected methods and members of Base.

What I want to do now is make it so that no other classes can subclass Derived. In Java I can accomplish that by declaring the Derived class "final". Is there some C++ trick that can give me the same effect?

(Ideally I'd like to make it so that no class other than Derived can subclass Base as well. I can't just put all the code into the same class or use the friend keyword, since Base and Derived are both templated, with Base having fewer template arguments than Derived does....)

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Jeremy Friesner Avatar asked Aug 07 '09 21:08

Jeremy Friesner

People also ask

Is subclassing the same as inheritance?

A subclass is the same as an inherited class. In example A, bar is an inner class. An inner class is like a nested type. bar can see all the private stuff from foo but it's not itself a foo (you can't cast bar to foo ).

1 Answers

As of C++11, you can add the final keyword (technically a special identifier since it is not actually a keyword) to your class, eg

class Derived final

You can read more about the final keyword at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++11#Explicit_overrides_and_final

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Peter N Lewis Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10

Peter N Lewis