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Is there a way to convert RedisValue[] to string[]?

I have an array RedisValue[] returned from the StackExchange.Redis client. I want to take each of the values (which are actually JSON strings) in the array and join them together to get a valid JSON string that I can return to the client.

Here's what I want to do...

var results = redis.HashGet("srch", ArrayOfRedisKeys[]);

string returnString = "[" + string.Join(results, ",") + "]";

However, this doesn't work because results is an array of RedisValue not an array of string. Is there a straight-forward and performant way to do this other than just iterating the RedisValue array?

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Jay Stevens Avatar asked Oct 01 '14 14:10

Jay Stevens

1 Answers

Not currently, but I have just pushed the following extension method into ExtensionMethods.cs:

    static readonly string[] nix = new string[0];
    /// <summary>
    /// Create an array of strings from an array of values
    /// </summary>
    public static string[] ToStringArray(this RedisValue[] values)
        if (values == null) return null;
        if (values.Length == 0) return nix;
        return Array.ConvertAll(values, x => (string)x);

So: in the next build, you can just use results.ToStringArray(). Until then, you could just copy the above locally.

like image 191
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10

Marc Gravell