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Is there a way to continuously mirror the result of Console.Write to a collection (array,list,etc)?

I have a console program, I'd like to continuously mirror the result of Console.Write to a collection, which I can look at the tail of in real time. The collection could be an array, a list, etc.

I assume I'd have to use some sort of event handler?

I don't mind being pointed in the direction of a 3rd party library, e.g. NLog.


I need to maintain a collection in memory, which mirrors the current console state (I can then send to a remote WinForms app using sockets). Details aside, I think I can do this with a few lines of C# - I don't want to add a huge logging library without a good need for it.

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Contango Avatar asked Mar 20 '11 11:03


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Skip(1)) { String[] token = r. Split(','); String[] datetime = token[0]. Split(' '); String timeText = datetime[4]; String actions = token[2]; Console. WriteLine("The time for this array is: " + timeText); Console.

How does WriteLine () method works?

WriteLine(String, Object, Object) Writes the text representation of the specified objects, followed by the current line terminator, to the standard output stream using the specified format information.

How do you write a console message in C#?

In C# you can write or print to console using Console. WriteLine() or Console. Write(), basically both methods are used to print output of console.

Where does console WriteLine write to?

Console. WriteLine writes your output to the console window opened by your application (think black window with white text that appears when you open the Command Prompt.) Try System. Diagnostics.

1 Answers

The Console class allows you to replace the output and error streams. Just what you need here, you can replace them with a TextWriter that also logs what is written. A sample implementation:

    class ConsoleLogger : System.IO.TextWriter {
        private System.IO.TextWriter oldOut;
        private Queue<string> log = new Queue<string>();
        private StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
        private object locker = new object();
        private int newline;
        private int logmax;

        public ConsoleLogger(int history) {
            logmax = history;
            oldOut = Console.Out;
        public override Encoding Encoding {
            get { return oldOut.Encoding; }
        public override void Write(char value) {
            lock (locker) {
                if (value == '\r') newline++;
                else if (value == '\n') {
                    if (log.Count > logmax) log.Dequeue();
                    line.Length = newline = 0;
                else {
                    for (; newline > 0; newline--) line.Append('\r');


    static void Main(string[] args) {
        var outLogger = new ConsoleLogger(100);
        // etc...
like image 71
Hans Passant Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 01:11

Hans Passant