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Is there a way to clone or copy an existing Ci/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps

I have a couple of CI pipelines that I'm using in Azure DevOps to build some Xamarin apps and I want to create a new one that merges the functionality of the two existing ones. Is there a way to copy or clone an existing pipeline so that I can make changes to the new pipeline without impacting the existing pipelines?

I saw that I can export a pipeline to a JSON file and then import it back in. All of the id values in the JSON file are GUID. Will the import process create new GUIDs or will importing the JSON file overwrite the existing pipeline.

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Chris Miller Avatar asked Sep 06 '19 19:09

Chris Miller

People also ask

Can you clone a project in Azure DevOps?

By signing in as a member of an Azure DevOps project, you can clone private repos that are accessible to you, and public repos. Visual Studio supports search, clone, and sync operations on repos that are accessible through authentication.

2 Answers

UPDATE February 11th, 2020

Not sure if this is a super-recent change, but you can now again easily clone an existing pipeline. From Pipelines, click on the pipeline you want to clone. On the page where the build history is shown, Clone has been moved to the ellipsis menu on this page.

enter image description here

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Nick Schroeder Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Nick Schroeder

Click on Pipelines -> Click on your Pipeline -> then click the ellipse in the upper right corner (three vertical dots) then click Clone.

Where to find the Clone option on a build

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TrevorBrooks Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
