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Work Items, Pull Requests menu not visible in Visual Studio

I'm using VSTS and Visual Studio enterprise on two different machines (both VS2015U3 on Win10). The project has a git-repository. On one machine I do have all expected menu's (https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/connect/work-team-explorer ) on the other some (pull requests, work items) are missing. On both machines editing code and commiting/synching works fine.

Any suggestions ?

like image 465
BrilBroeder Avatar asked Nov 22 '16 18:11


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How do I see Pull Requests in Visual Studio?

Connect to your project from Visual Studio. Select View > Team Explorer to open Team Explorer. You can also press Ctrl+\, Ctrl+M. From Home, select Pull Requests to view lists of PRs opened by you or assigned to you.

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Open Work Items (1) Check that you've selected the right project, then (2) choose Boards>Work Items. Open Visual Studio 2019, Team Explorer, and then choose Work Items. To switch between the Work Items (default) view and the legacy view, see Set the Work Items experience in Visual Studio 2019.

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The steps are: in Visual Studio, click on tools-->Options. In the resulting dialog box, select Work Items-->General.

3 Answers

The reason is that you just connect to the local git repository and it likes this: enter image description here

You configured Remotes (Home=>Settings=>Repository Settings=>Remotes), so you can commit and sync.

Refer to these steps to connect to the remote repository.

  1. Go to Team Explorer
  2. Click Manage connections=>Connect to Team project enter image description here
  3. After that Open Solution in Solutions section (if it is empty, you need to clone this repository) enter image description here
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starian chen-MSFT Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10

starian chen-MSFT

I had the same issue. It was resolved by re-connecting to the tfs-server. on VS 2017 Team Explorer go to 'Manage Connections' and 'Add Server'.

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Deepesh Bajracharya Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10

Deepesh Bajracharya

Steps using VS (Visual Studio) 2019:

  1. Manage Connections > Connect to a Project...
  2. Expand server, and project to find the repo you want, then
  3. If it is already cloned, "Connect" should be the default option - click it!

And why Microsoft doesn't just auto-magically do this bewilders me! I could sync and all, but no Pull-request until I jump through this little connect to the server/project/repo steps..

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Adam Cox Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 16:10

Adam Cox