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is there a way to change the behavior of notepad++ auto-indent? [closed]



I have a problem with notepad++ auto-indent. let's assume the ¬ is my cursor.

if the text is like this:

my text
    my text¬

and press [enter] it turns to this:

my text

this is perfectly fine. but when the text is like this:

my text
    my text

and i press [enter], it goes like:

my text
    my text


note that the cursor advances itself. this behavior doesn't work for me. i would like it to just keep the actual indentation instead of "playing smart". the correct behavior (to me) would be:

my text
    my text


anyone could help do that? is there a file that i could edit or a plugin for that? i don't actually want to disable the auto-indent, just change this one thing. thanks (:

like image 608
Hugo Mota Avatar asked Oct 10 '22 10:10

Hugo Mota

1 Answers

As requested:


Glad it solved your problem.

like image 155
JAB Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10