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Is there a tool for checking CLS compliance?

Is there a tool that can analyse my .NET code (C# and VB.NET) and tell me why things are not CLS Compliant?

Visual Studio is happy to tell me a parameter is not CLS compliant, but it doesn't get me any closer to fixing the problem as I don't know the cause.

Example Visual Studio error:

Parameter 'xyz' is not CLS-Compliant

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Pondidum Avatar asked Jan 22 '09 11:01


2 Answers

I can't say I know of a tool, and I tend to use the MSDN page Language Independence and Language-Independent Components to check if the type of the parameter/variable is CLS compliant. See the section of the table named 'Types'.

There was also a fair bit of discussion about this some time ago in the blog post FxCop and CLS Compliance.

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Kev Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 23:12


From memory it's not too hard to do. I'm not aware of a tool, but this page here describes what you need to change.

The big ones are using type specific structs (think uint32 instead of uint) and using an "_" in your public members.

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Spence Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 23:12
