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Gradle - throw exception if project still has SNAPSHOT dependencies

I want to fail the gradle build if the current project still has snapshot dependencies.

My code so far only looks for java dependencies, missing the .NET ones so it only works for java projects. I want to make it work for all projects.

def addSnapshotCheckingTask(Project project) {
    project.tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { compileJava ->
        project.tasks.create(compileJava.name + 'SnapshotChecking', {
            onlyIf {
                project.ext.isRelease || project.ext.commitVersion != null
            compileJava.dependsOn it
            doLast {
                def snapshots = compileJava.classpath
                        .filter { project.ext.isRelease || !(it.path ==~ /(?i)${project.rootProject.projectDir.toString().replace('\\', '\\\\')}.*build.libs.*/) }
                        .filter { it.path =~ /(?i)-SNAPSHOT/  }
                        .collect { it.name }
                if (!snapshots.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new GradleException("Please get rid of snapshots for following dependencies before releasing $snapshots")

I need some help in generifying this snippet to be applicable to all types of dependencies(not just java)


L.E. Could something like this work? https://discuss.gradle.org/t/how-can-i-check-for-snapshot-dependencies-and-throw-an-exception-if-some-where-found/4064

like image 992
George Cimpoies Avatar asked Sep 11 '18 12:09

George Cimpoies

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2 Answers

So I got it working by tweaking a bit the response of @lance-java, it looks something like:

    Task snapshotCheckingTask = project.tasks.create('snapshotCheckingTask', {
        doLast {
            def snapshots = new ArrayList()
            def projectConfigurations = project.configurations.findAll { true }

            projectConfigurations.each {
                if (it.isCanBeResolved()) {
                    it.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each {
                        if (it.moduleVersion.id.version.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')) {
            if (!snapshots.isEmpty()) {
                throw new GradleException("Please get rid of snapshots for following dependencies before releasing $snapshots")
            } else {
                throw new GradleException("Hah, no snapshots!")
    project.tasks.release.dependsOn snapshotCheckingTask

cc @Eugene

P.S. However, this does not take into account .net dependencies

like image 191
George Cimpoies Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

George Cimpoies

Something like

Collection<ResolvedArtifact> snapshotArtifacts = project.configurations*.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.filter { it.moduleVersion.id.version.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT') }
if (!snapshotArtifacts.empty) {
   // throw exception

See https://docs.gradle.org/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/artifacts/Configuration.html#getResolvedConfiguration-- https://docs.gradle.org/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/artifacts/ResolvedConfiguration.html#getResolvedArtifacts--

like image 44
lance-java Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
