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Is there a standard higher order function for applying a transformation several times?

I'm thinking of a function like this:

> let applyN (initial : 't) (n:int) (f : 't -> 't) = seq {1..n} |> Seq.fold (fun s _ -> f s) initial;;

val applyN : initial:'t -> n:int -> f:('t -> 't) -> 't

> applyN 0 10 (fun x -> x + 1);;
val it : int = 10

Note: The code is F# but I tagged the question with haskell, ocaml and ml tags because if the function doesn't exist in F# libraries but it exists in other languages I would like to use the same name

like image 899
vidi Avatar asked Sep 24 '15 08:09


People also ask

When would you use a higher-order function?

Higher order functions are also commonly used to abstract how to operate on different data types. For instance, . filter() doesn't have to operate on arrays of strings. It could just as easily filter numbers, because you can pass in a function that knows how to deal with a different data type.

What is a defining feature of a higher-order function?

First, the definition. A higher-order function is a function that either takes a function as an argument, returns a function as its return value, or both.

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A function that takes another function as one of its arguments, as every does, is called a higher-order function. If we focus our attention on procedures, the mechanism through which Scheme computes functions, we think of every as a procedure that takes another procedure as an argument—a higher-order procedure.

What is higher-order function in Javascript with example?

The functions that use other functions as arguments or return functions are named higher-order functions. In the previous examples, iUseFunction() is higher-order because it accepts a function as an argument. Also iReturnFunction() is a higher-order function because it returns another function.

What is higher-order function in programming in Python?

A function is called Higher Order Function if it contains other functions as a parameter or returns a function as an output i.e, the functions that operate with another function are known as Higher order Functions.

3 Answers

You would have gotten (very close to) an answer by using for example Hayoo (or Hoogle, but Hoogle's not as flexible — iterateN was not found):

  • a search for Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a revealed several functions that do what you want but are not part of the stdlib.

  • a search for applyN returned a function of exactly the same name with the type signature you are looking.

  • by laxing the return value by searching for Int -> (a -> a) -> a instead (note the missing -> a at the end), you get the iterateN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> Seq a function which erdeszt has already mentioned.

P.S. Hoogle seems to be more capable of flipping around argument order: (a -> a) -> Int -> a -> Seq a successfully returns 'iterateN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> Seq a`, which Hayoo does not.

like image 154
Erik Kaplun Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Erik Kaplun

There is an iterateN function for Haskell in the Data.Sequence module that looks like the one you are looking for.

It's actually just a combinaton of iterate + take: let iterateN n f x = take n (iterate f x) Here's an F# version of iterate (from here), Seq.take is part of the F# standard library:

let rec iterate f value = seq { 
   yield value
   yield! iterate f (f value) }
like image 44
erdeszt Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


A possible solution:

> import Data.Monoid
> import Debug.SimpleReflect -- not really needed, just for showing the result
> (appEndo . mconcat . replicate 5 . Endo $ f) a
f (f (f (f (f a))))

Another (already mentioned):

> iterate f a !! 5
f (f (f (f (f a))))

(add lambdas if you want to turn it into a function)

However, don't forget that Haskell is lazy: the above methods will first build a thunk by applying f many times and only then start evaluating. Sometimes f could be iterated in constant space, e.g. when f :: Int -> Int (and f itself works in constant space), but the above approaches only work in linear space.

I would define by own strict iteration combinator, e.g.:

iter :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
iter 0 _ x = x
iter n f x = iter (pred n) f $! f x

or even,

iter n f x = foldl' (flip $ const f) x [1..n]

which is more of less the Haskell translation of what was already posted in the question.

Alternatively, we can can define a strict version of iterate (which IMHO should already exist...)

iterate' :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterate' f x = x : (iterate' f $! f x)
like image 45
chi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
