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Is there a solution to automatically synchronize Emacs org-mode with one of the web based todo services?

Org-mode is amazing. I like its power and simplicity. However, sometimes I need access to my tasks in places where I don't have the necessary setup. Is there a way to synchronize my org agenda with one of the better web based todo services like RTM, Toodledo or similar?

It would be the best solution, because I'd run the sync process regularly and automatically on my computer and I would have access (read access is enough) to my org data through the web interface of the synchronized service.

like image 836
Tom Avatar asked Jan 26 '10 11:01


People also ask

How do I activate Org Mode in Emacs?

Emacs does not actually understand you are editing an Org document, yet. To enable Org mode on your current document, type M-x org-mode which will enable the Org mode on the current document. Those are minuses, not underscores.

Does Org mode come with Emacs?

Emacs has included Org Mode as a major mode by default since 2006. Bastien Guerry is the current maintainer, in cooperation with an active development community. Since its success in Emacs, some other systems now provide functions to work with org files.

1 Answers

I have been using Org-mode with Remember the Milk quite nicely. here is my setup:

(require org-feed) (setq org-feed-alist       '(("Remember The Milk"          "https://www.rememberthemilk.com/rss/jonnay/"          "~/org/GTD.org"          "Remember The Milk"          :template "* TODO %title\n  %a\n "          )))  ;;* rtm feed timer (run-at-time 3600 3600 'org-feed-update-all) 

The only problem is that I get asked for authentication the first time I start up emacs. With a bit of elisp this could be fixed, I just haven't had time yet.

Just as an update, there is a new package shaping up that might handle syncing a little better: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/org-sync/index.html

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Jonathan Arkell Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Jonathan Arkell