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Does IMDb provide an api or a data dump to get all title IDs?

IMDB provides plain text files user's can download and use which can be found here: IMDB Plain Text Files which is great but I don't see the ID used for each movie in any of the files.

Given IMDB specifically says not to use scrapers, data gatherers etc in their Conditions of Use how would one obtain the title ID http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1133985/ for each movie if they aren't included in any of the plain text files.

I've noticed there are some API's others have built that do include this ID so I'm wondering how did they manage to do that.

like image 604
PublicHandle Avatar asked Jun 24 '11 03:06


People also ask

Does IMDb have an API?

The IMDb API is powered by AWS Data Exchange, bringing the entertainment information you need in a convenient GraphQL-based API to help you utilize the world's most authoritative source of Movie, TV/OTT, Box Office data and more!

Is IMDb API legit?

The IMDb has a public API that, although undocumented, is fast and reliable (used on the official website through AJAX).

1 Answers

You can use IMDB API located at


You can search for movie names like this -


{ "Title":"The Hangover Part II", "Year":"2011", "Rated":"R", "Released":"26 May 2011", "Genre":"Comedy", "Director":"Todd Phillips", "Writer":"Craig Mazin, Scot Armstrong", "Actors":"Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Justin Bartha", "Plot":"Right after the bachelor party in Las Vegas, Phil, Stu, Alan, and Doug jet to Thailand for Stu's wedding. Stu's plan for a subdued pre-wedding brunch, however, goes seriously awry.", "Poster":"http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM2MTM4MzY2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjQ3NzI4NA@@._V1_SX320.jpg"," Runtime":"1 hr 42 mins", "Rating":"7.1", "Votes":"13547", "ID":"tt1411697", "Response":"True" }  

You can get the "ID" (tt1411697) from this JSON response.

like image 96
Lenin Raj Rajasekaran Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Lenin Raj Rajasekaran