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Is there a separate FindBugs plug-in for Android Studio?

According to this, FindBugs supports several IDEs as a plug-in, including IntelliJ-Idea, on which Droidio (Android Studio) is based.

So does this mean that the IntelliJ-Idea plug-in can be installed into Droidio, or is there a distinct one somewhere (or there isn't one yet, but one will be needed)?

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B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven Avatar asked Apr 10 '14 18:04

B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven

1 Answers

This answer probably comes a bit late as Droidio is officially called Android Studio by now, and we're already at beta version 0.8.2, but I've just checked that installing the regular FindBugs-IDEA plugin works fine.

Also, I'm not aware of a distinct version of the plugin specifically for Android Studio, which would sort of defeat the purpose of basing Android Studio on IntelliJ IDEA if you had to adapt all IDEA plugins.

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sschuberth Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10
