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Is there a performance degradation / penalty in using pure C library in C++ code?

I saw this link but I'm not asking for a performance degradation for code using "extern". I mean without "extern", is there "context switching" when using C library in C++? Are there any problems when using pure C (not class-wrapped) functions in C++ application?

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John Doe Avatar asked Dec 30 '17 02:12

John Doe

2 Answers

Both C and C++ are programming language specifications (written in English, see e.g. n1570 for the specification of C11) and do not speak about performance (but about behavior of the program, i.e. about semantics).

However, you are likely to use a compiler such as GCC or Clang which don't bring any performance penalty, because it builds the same kind of intermediate internal representation (e.g. GIMPLE for GCC, and LLVM for Clang) for both C and C++ languages, and because C and C++ code use compatible ABIs and calling conventions.

In practice extern "C" don't change any calling convention but disables name mangling. However, its exact influence on the compiler is specific to that compiler. It might (or not) disable inlining (but consider -flto for link-time-optimization in GCC).

Some C compilers (e.g. tinycc) produce code with poor performance. Even GCC or Clang, when used with -O0 or without explicitly enabling optimization (e.g. by passing -O1 or -O2 etc...) might produce slow code (and optimizations are by default disabled with it).

BTW, C++ was designed to be interoperable with C (and that strong constraint explains most of the deficiencies of C++).

In some cases, genuine C++ code might be slightly faster than corresponding genuine C code. For example, to sort an array of numbers, you'll use std::array and std::sort in genuine C++, and the compare operations in the sort are likely to get inlined. With C code, you'll just use qsort and each compare goes through an indirect function call (because the compiler is not inlining qsort, even if in theory it could...).

In some other cases, genuine C++ code might be slightly slower; for example, several (but not all) implementations of ::operator new are simply calling malloc (then checking against failure) but are not inlined.

In practice, there is no penalty in calling C code from C++ code, or C++ code from C code, since the calling conventions are compatible.

The C longjmp facility is probably faster than throwing C++ exceptions, but they don't have the same semantics (see stack unwinding) and longjmp doesn't mix well accross C++ code.

If you care that much about performance, write (in genuine C and in genuine C++) twice your code and benchmark. You are likely to observe a small change (a few percents at most) between C and C++, so I would not bother at all (and your performance concerns are practically unjustified).

Context switch is a concept related to operating system and multitasking and happens on processes running machine code executable during preemption. How that executable is obtained (from a C compiler, from a C++ compiler, from a Go compiler, from an SBCL compiler, or being an interpreter of some other language like Perl or bytecode Python) is totally irrelevant (since a context switch can happen at any machine instruction, during interrupts). Read some books like Operating Systems: Three Eeasy Pieces.

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Basile Starynkevitch Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10

Basile Starynkevitch

At a basic level, no, you won't see any type of "switching" performance penalty when calling a C library from C++ code. For example calling from C++ a C method defined in another translation unit should have approximately identical performance to calling the same method implemented in C++ (in the same C-like way) in another translation unit.

This is because common implementations of C and C++ compilers ultimately compile the source down to native code, and calling an extern "C" function is efficiently supported using the same type of call that might occur for a C++ call. The calling conventions are usually based on the platform ABI and are similar in either case.

That basic fact aside, there might still be some performance downsides when calling a C function as opposed to implementing the same function in C++:

  • Functions implemented in C and declared extern "C" and called from C++ code usually won't be inlined (since by definition they aren't implemented in a header), which inhibits a whole host of possibly very powerful optimization0.
  • Most data types used in C++ code1 can't be directly used by C code, so for example if you have a std::string in your C++ code, you'll need to pick a different type to pass it to C code - char * is common but loses information about the explicit length, which may be slower than a C++ solution. Many types have no direct C equivalent, so you may be stuck with a costly conversion.
  • C code uses malloc and free for dynamic memory management, while C++ code generally uses new and delete (and usually prefers to hide those calls behind other classes as much as possible). If you need to allocate memory in one language that will be freed in other other, this may cause a mismatch where you need to call back into the "other" language to do the free, or may unnecessary copies, etc.
  • C code often makes heavy use of the C standard library routines, while C++ code usually uses methods from the C++ standard library. Since there is a lot of functional overlap, it is possible that a mix of C and C++ has a larger code footprint than pure C++ code since more C library methods are used2.

The concerns above would apply only when contrasting a pure C++ implementation versus a C one, and doesn't really mean there is a performance degradation when calling C: it is really answering the question "Why could writing an application in a mix of C and C++ be slower than pure C++?". Furthermore, the above issues are mostly a concern for very short calls where the above overheads may be significant. If you are calling a lengthy function in C, it is less of a problem. The "data type mismatch" might still bite you, but this can be designed around on the C++ side.

0 Interestingly, link-time optimization actually allows C methods to be inlined in C++ code, which is a little-mentioned benefit of LTO. Of course, this is generally dependent on building the C library yourself from source with the appropriate LTO options.

1 E.g., pretty much anything other than a standard layout type.

2 This is at least partially mitigated by the fact that many C++ standard library calls ultimately delegate to C library routines for the "heavy" lifting, such as how std::copy calls memcpy or memset when possible and how most new implementations ultimately call malloc.

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BeeOnRope Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10
