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iterator adapter to iterate just the values in a map?

I'm just getting back into C++ after a couple of years of doing a lot of C#, and recently Objective C.

One thing I've done before is to roll my own iterator adapter for std::map that will deref to just the value part, rather than the key-value pair. This is quite a common and natural thing to do. C# provides this facility with its Keys and Values properties of its Dictionary class. Objective-C's NSDictionary, similarly, has allKeys and allValues.

Since I've been "away", Boost has acquired the Range and ForEach libraries, which I am now using extensively. I wondered if between the two there was some facility to do the same, but I haven't been able to find anything.

I'm thinking of knocking something up using Boost's iterator adapters, but before I go down that route I thought I'd ask here if anyone knows of such a facility in Boost, or somewhere else ready made?

like image 784
philsquared Avatar asked Nov 03 '08 16:11


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What are iterator Adaptors?

Iterator adaptors are a separate type of iterators with special behavior. They simplify the work with containers and are very useful in standard algorithms.

Does MAP return an iterator?

map() loops over the items of an input iterable (or iterables) and returns an iterator that results from applying a transformation function to every item in the original input iterable.

1 Answers

Replacing the previous answer, in case anybody else finds this like I did. As of boost 1.43, there are some commonly used range adaptors provided. In this case, you want boost::adaptors::map_values. The relevant example: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_0/libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/adaptors/reference/map_values.html#range.reference.adaptors.reference.map_values.map_values_example

like image 137
Matt Chambers Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Matt Chambers