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Is there a library for image warping / image morphing for python with controlled points? [closed]

You'd take images and mark specific points (for example, mark the region around the eyes, nose, mouth etc of people) and then transform them into the points marked into another image. Something like:

transform(original_image, marked_points_in_the_original, marked_points_in_the_reference)

I can't seem to find an algorithm describing it, nor can I find any libraries with it. I'm willing to do it myself too, as long as I can find good/easy to follow material on it. I know it's possible though since I've seen some incomplete (don't really explain how to do it) .pdfs on google with it.

Here's an example of the marked points and the transformation, since you asked for clarification. Though this one isn't using 2 people as I said earlier.

Edit: I managed to get the im.transform method working, but the argument is a list of ((box_x, box_y, box_width, box_height), (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)), with the first point being NW, the second SW, the third NE and the fourth SE. (0, 0) is the leftmost upper part of the screen as far as I could tell. If I did everything right, then this method doesn't really do what I need.

like image 390
smln Avatar asked Feb 21 '11 20:02


3 Answers

I've got a solution using OpenCV by triangulating the transformation points:

It does not look perfect, but with more points on the source/target image the results get better.


Here is the code I used for the transformation, at the bottom you can see how to call your transform function.

#!/bin/env python3

import cv2
import numpy as np

def get_triangulation_indices(points):
    """Get indices triples for every triangle
    # Bounding rectangle
    bounding_rect = (*points.min(axis=0), *points.max(axis=0))

    # Triangulate all points
    subdiv = cv2.Subdiv2D(bounding_rect)

    # Iterate over all triangles
    for x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 in subdiv.getTriangleList():
        # Get index of all points
        yield [(points==point).all(axis=1).nonzero()[0][0] for point in [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)]]

def crop_to_triangle(img, triangle):
    """Crop image to triangle
    # Get bounding rectangle
    bounding_rect = cv2.boundingRect(triangle)

    # Crop image to bounding box
    img_cropped = img[bounding_rect[1]:bounding_rect[1] + bounding_rect[3],
                      bounding_rect[0]:bounding_rect[0] + bounding_rect[2]]
    # Move triangle to coordinates in cropped image
    triangle_cropped = [(point[0]-bounding_rect[0], point[1]-bounding_rect[1]) for point in triangle]
    return triangle_cropped, img_cropped

def transform(src_img, src_points, dst_img, dst_points): 
    """Transforms source image to target image, overwriting the target image.
    for indices in get_triangulation_indices(src_points):
        # Get triangles from indices
        src_triangle = src_points[indices]
        dst_triangle = dst_points[indices]

        # Crop to triangle, to make calculations more efficient
        src_triangle_cropped, src_img_cropped = crop_to_triangle(src_img, src_triangle)
        dst_triangle_cropped, dst_img_cropped = crop_to_triangle(dst_img, dst_triangle)

        # Calculate transfrom to warp from old image to new
        transform = cv2.getAffineTransform(np.float32(src_triangle_cropped), np.float32(dst_triangle_cropped))

        # Warp image
        dst_img_warped = cv2.warpAffine(src_img_cropped, transform, (dst_img_cropped.shape[1], dst_img_cropped.shape[0]), None, flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101 )

        # Create mask for the triangle we want to transform
        mask = np.zeros(dst_img_cropped.shape, dtype = np.uint8)
        cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.int32(dst_triangle_cropped), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 16, 0);

        # Delete all existing pixels at given mask
        # Add new pixels to masked area

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Inputs
    src_img = cv2.imread("woman.jpg")
    dst_img = cv2.imread("cheetah.jpg")
    src_points = np.array([(40, 27), (38, 65), (47, 115), (66, 147), (107, 166), (147, 150), (172, 118), (177, 75), (173, 26), (63, 19), (89, 30), (128, 34), (152, 27), (75, 46), (142, 46), (109, 48), (95, 96), (107, 91), (120, 97), (84, 123), (106, 117), (132, 121), (97, 137), (107, 139), (120, 135)])
    dst_points = np.array([(2, 16), (0, 60), (2, 143), (47, 181), (121, 178), (208, 181), (244, 133), (241, 87), (241, 18), (41, 15), (73, 20), (174, 16), (218, 16), (56, 23), (191, 23), (120, 48), (94, 128), (120, 122), (150, 124), (83, 174), (122, 164), (159, 173), (110, 174), (121, 174), (137, 175)])

    # Apply transformation
    transform(src_img, src_points, dst_img, dst_points)

    # Show result
    cv2.imshow("Transformed", dst_img)


The src_points and dst_points in the main-Function were hardcoded and correspond to the landmarks, that are marked green in the images above. The code was partly inspired by this online article, but the code was clean up a bit. After answering this question, I've also created my own FaceChanger github repo, with an interactive python app, using the same functionality as described in this answer.


  • Numpy: pip3 install numpy
  • OpenCV: pip3 install opencv-python

How it works


At first we need to triangulate the image, which will transform the points from the two top images to the triangles at the bottom. We need triangles instead of points because this allows us to transform the individual triangles seperately, which will make our live easier down the road. The triangulation is done using Delaunay Triangluation with OpenCV. The points of the first and the second image do not necessarily have to result in the same triangulation, therefore the get_triangulation_indices function returns the indices of all corners for each triangle. Using these indices we can map every source triangle to one destination triangle

Warp Triangles

The triangles are warped using OpenCV's warpAffine-method. The issue with this method is that it warps an entire image and not just one triangle, so we have to do some more work there to only warp triangles.

Cut out triangle

First we cut out only the part of the source and target image that contains the source or target triangle. This would theoretically not be necessary, but it's much faster that way because then we don't have to do the warp on the entire image everytime. This is done using the crop_to_triangle-method.

Transform image

Then we see how we have to distort the image to get from the source triangle to the target triangle, with cv2.getAffineTransform. This will give us a transformation matrix that we can use with cv2.warpAffine to warp our image to the destination proportions.

Mask to triangle

Now we have the issue that the warp transform did not just transform our triangles, but our entire src_img_cropped. So now we have to only past the pixels belonging to our triangle to the target image. We can use cv2.fillConvexPoly to create a mask of our target triangle and use this to delete all pixels from the destination image that are within the triangle that we want to paste, in order to add the warped triangle to this spot that we just emptied. This is done using Numpy array manipulations.


This is a fairly simple method to achieve the task. It does however result in some unnatural looking straight edges sometimes, and might therefore not be perfect for all uses. The quality of the result is however increased if you add more points to your source and target images. You also need to add the corners of the source and target images to your points if you want that the entire image is copied, otherwise the destination image will just be overwritten with parts of the source image, which I see as a feature. This can also be combined with face detection to create a face-swap effect, for which I personally use dlib, which gives great results.

like image 80
pascscha Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


Sample code given by Blender doesn't work for me. Also, the PIL documentation for im.transform is ambiguous. So I dig into the PIL source code and finally figure out how to use the interface. Here's my complete usage:

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

def quad_as_rect(quad):
    if quad[0] != quad[2]: return False
    if quad[1] != quad[7]: return False
    if quad[4] != quad[6]: return False
    if quad[3] != quad[5]: return False
    return True

def quad_to_rect(quad):
    assert(len(quad) == 8)
    return (quad[0], quad[1], quad[4], quad[3])

def rect_to_quad(rect):
    assert(len(rect) == 4)
    return (rect[0], rect[1], rect[0], rect[3], rect[2], rect[3], rect[2], rect[1])

def shape_to_rect(shape):
    assert(len(shape) == 2)
    return (0, 0, shape[0], shape[1])

def griddify(rect, w_div, h_div):
    w = rect[2] - rect[0]
    h = rect[3] - rect[1]
    x_step = w / float(w_div)
    y_step = h / float(h_div)
    y = rect[1]
    grid_vertex_matrix = []
    for _ in range(h_div + 1):
        x = rect[0]
        for _ in range(w_div + 1):
            grid_vertex_matrix[-1].append([int(x), int(y)])
            x += x_step
        y += y_step
    grid = np.array(grid_vertex_matrix)
    return grid

def distort_grid(org_grid, max_shift):
    new_grid = np.copy(org_grid)
    x_min = np.min(new_grid[:, :, 0])
    y_min = np.min(new_grid[:, :, 1])
    x_max = np.max(new_grid[:, :, 0])
    y_max = np.max(new_grid[:, :, 1])
    new_grid += np.random.randint(- max_shift, max_shift + 1, new_grid.shape)
    new_grid[:, :, 0] = np.maximum(x_min, new_grid[:, :, 0])
    new_grid[:, :, 1] = np.maximum(y_min, new_grid[:, :, 1])
    new_grid[:, :, 0] = np.minimum(x_max, new_grid[:, :, 0])
    new_grid[:, :, 1] = np.minimum(y_max, new_grid[:, :, 1])
    return new_grid

def grid_to_mesh(src_grid, dst_grid):
    assert(src_grid.shape == dst_grid.shape)
    mesh = []
    for i in range(src_grid.shape[0] - 1):
        for j in range(src_grid.shape[1] - 1):
            src_quad = [src_grid[i    , j    , 0], src_grid[i    , j    , 1],
                        src_grid[i + 1, j    , 0], src_grid[i + 1, j    , 1],
                        src_grid[i + 1, j + 1, 0], src_grid[i + 1, j + 1, 1],
                        src_grid[i    , j + 1, 0], src_grid[i    , j + 1, 1]]
            dst_quad = [dst_grid[i    , j    , 0], dst_grid[i    , j    , 1],
                        dst_grid[i + 1, j    , 0], dst_grid[i + 1, j    , 1],
                        dst_grid[i + 1, j + 1, 0], dst_grid[i + 1, j + 1, 1],
                        dst_grid[i    , j + 1, 0], dst_grid[i    , j + 1, 1]]
            dst_rect = quad_to_rect(dst_quad)
            mesh.append([dst_rect, src_quad])
    return mesh

im = Image.open('./old_driver/data/train/c0/img_292.jpg')
dst_grid = griddify(shape_to_rect(im.size), 4, 4)
src_grid = distort_grid(dst_grid, 50)
mesh = grid_to_mesh(src_grid, dst_grid)
im = im.transform(im.size, Image.MESH, mesh)

Before: enter image description here After: enter image description here

I suggest executing above code in iPython then print out mesh to understand what kind of input is needed for im.transform. For me the output is:

In [1]: mesh
[[(0, 0, 160, 120), [0, 29, 29, 102, 186, 120, 146, 0]],
 [(160, 0, 320, 120), [146, 0, 186, 120, 327, 127, 298, 48]],
 [(320, 0, 480, 120), [298, 48, 327, 127, 463, 77, 492, 26]],
 [(480, 0, 640, 120), [492, 26, 463, 77, 640, 80, 605, 0]],
 [(0, 120, 160, 240), [29, 102, 9, 241, 162, 245, 186, 120]],
 [(160, 120, 320, 240), [186, 120, 162, 245, 339, 214, 327, 127]],
 [(320, 120, 480, 240), [327, 127, 339, 214, 513, 284, 463, 77]],
 [(480, 120, 640, 240), [463, 77, 513, 284, 607, 194, 640, 80]],
 [(0, 240, 160, 360), [9, 241, 27, 364, 202, 365, 162, 245]],
 [(160, 240, 320, 360), [162, 245, 202, 365, 363, 315, 339, 214]],
 [(320, 240, 480, 360), [339, 214, 363, 315, 453, 373, 513, 284]],
 [(480, 240, 640, 360), [513, 284, 453, 373, 640, 319, 607, 194]],
 [(0, 360, 160, 480), [27, 364, 33, 478, 133, 480, 202, 365]],
 [(160, 360, 320, 480), [202, 365, 133, 480, 275, 480, 363, 315]],
 [(320, 360, 480, 480), [363, 315, 275, 480, 434, 469, 453, 373]],
 [(480, 360, 640, 480), [453, 373, 434, 469, 640, 462, 640, 319]]]
like image 31
Warbean Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


On a similar note, you could use ImageMagick's Python API to do Shepards's Distortion.

koala earskoala ears pull

like image 32
George Profenza Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

George Profenza