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Dynamic choices WTForms Flask SelectField

I'm trying to pass userID variable to WTForms with FlaskForms. First I'll show code that works fine and then what I need to modify(that the part I don't know how). I'm adding new Name associated with some group.

FlaskForm model:

class AddName(FlaskForm):
    name =StringField('Device name', validators=[InputRequired(),Length(min=4, max=30)])
    groupID = SelectField('Payload Type', choices=[(1,"Group1"),(2,"Group2")], validators=[InputRequired])

View model:

@app.route('/dashboard/addname', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def addname():
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        return "New name added"


              <form method="POST" action="/dashboard/addname">
                  <h2>Add name</h2>
                  {{ form.hidden_tag() }}
                  {{ wtf.form_field(form.name) }}
                  {{ wtf.form_field(form.groupID) }}
                  <button type="submit">Add name</button>

I see correct list in dropdown, and on submit gives me correct numbers.

Task: I need to pass different list based on current_user.userID. I'm forming list using SQLAlchemy, by making query from table from DB, so My Flask view is:

@app.route('/dashboard/addname', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def addname():
    available_groups=db.session.query(Groups).filter(Groups.userID == currend_user.userID).all()
    #Now forming the list of tuples, so it's ok for SelectField
    groups_list=[(i.groupID, i.groupName) for i in available_groups]
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        return "New name added"
  1. How can i pass my groups_list to the form? I tried to implement forming procedure in the FlaskForm model, but it doesn't see current_user object
  2. Do I need to transform groupID to string and then back to int when I need to pass it to the SelectField like tuples?
like image 358
Oleg Somov Avatar asked Oct 25 '17 00:10

Oleg Somov

People also ask

How do you create a dynamic form in flask?

you have to create a dynamic form at view function, fetch the form field you want to get, and iterate every field to construct this form object. I used for fieldtypes simple text instead of integer values. Since it seems easy to read at code level.

What is WTForms in flask?

WTForms is a Python library that provides flexible web form rendering. You can use it to render text fields, text areas, password fields, radio buttons, and others. WTForms also provides powerful data validation using different validators, which validate that the data the user submits meets certain criteria you define.

1 Answers

The main idea here is to assign the choices list to the field after instantiation. To do so you need to use argument coerce=int. The coerce keyword arg to SelectField says that we use int() to coerce form data. The default coerce is unicode().

Correct FormModel:

class AddName(FlaskForm):
    name =StringField('Device name', validators=[InputRequired(),Length(min=4, max=30)])
    groupID = SelectField('Payload Type', coerce=int, validators=[InputRequired])

Correct View:

@app.route('/dashboard/addname', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def addname():
    available_groups=db.session.query(Groups).filter(Groups.userID == currend_user.userID).all()
    #Now forming the list of tuples for SelectField
    groups_list=[(i.groupID, i.groupName) for i in available_groups]
    #passing group_list to the form
    form.groupID.choices = groups_list
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        return "New name added"
like image 116
Oleg Somov Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Oleg Somov