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Is there a built in way of using snake case as the naming policy for JSON in ASP.NET Core 3?

I managed to get it working using the following code:

.AddNewtonsoftJson(options => {
    options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver
        NamingStrategy = new SnakeCaseNamingStrategy()

However this makes MVC use Newtonsoft rather than System.Text.JSON which is faster, async and built in.

Looking at the naming policy options in System.Text.JSON I could only find CamelCase. Is there any native support for snake case? What is a better way of achieving snake case JSON naming style?

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numberjak Avatar asked Oct 26 '19 11:10


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1 Answers

Just slight modification in pfx code to remove the dependency on Newtonsoft Json.Net.

String extension method to convert the given string to SnakeCase.

public static class StringUtils
    public static string ToSnakeCase(this string str)
        return string.Concat(str.Select((x, i) => i > 0 && char.IsUpper(x) ? "_" + x.ToString() : x.ToString())).ToLower();

Then in our SnakeCaseNamingPolicy we can do

public class SnakeCaseNamingPolicy : JsonNamingPolicy
    public static SnakeCaseNamingPolicy Instance { get; } = new SnakeCaseNamingPolicy();

    public override string ConvertName(string name)
        // Conversion to other naming convention goes here. Like SnakeCase, KebabCase etc.
        return name.ToSnakeCase();

The last step is to register our naming policy in Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            options => { 
                options.JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = 

Using the model:

public class WeatherForecast
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }

    public int TemperatureCelcius { get; set; }

    public int TemperatureFahrenheit { get; set; }

    public string Summary { get; set; }

Json output:

  "date": "2019-10-28T08:26:14.878444+05:00",
  "temperature_celcius": 4,
  "temperature_fahrenheit": 0,
  "summary": "Scorching"
like image 116
Muhammad Hannan Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10

Muhammad Hannan