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Is there a built-in Emacs Lisp form to only set a variable if it is unbound?




I've created the following macro in elisp. It will set the value "val" to a variable "var" only if the variable is unbound. This exists so variables set in your .emacs file do not get trampled over somewhere else.

(defmacro set-ifunbound (var val)
  `(if (not (boundp ',var))
       (setq ,var ,val)
     (identity ,var)))

Surely, this has to be a common pattern. Is there a built in way of doing the same thing?

like image 749
Chad Braun-Duin Avatar asked Sep 04 '11 17:09

Chad Braun-Duin

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Emacs Lisp is a dialect of the Lisp programming language used as a scripting language by Emacs (a text editor family most commonly associated with GNU Emacs and XEmacs). It is used for implementing most of the editing functionality built into Emacs, the remainder being written in C, as is the Lisp interpreter.

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Special Form: (setq [symbol form]...) This special form is the most common method of changing a variable's value. Each SYMBOL is given a new value, which is the result of evaluating the corresponding FORM. The current binding of the symbol is changed. 'setq' does not evaluate SYMBOL; it sets the symbol that you write.

1 Answers

defvar does exactly that. It assigns a value to a variable only if it's unbound.

like image 184
Tom Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
