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Is the Yoneda Lemma only useful from a theoretical point of view?

For instance, loop fusion can be obtained with Yoneda:

newtype Yoneda f a =
    Yoneda (forall b. (a -> b) -> f b)

liftYo :: (Functor f) => f a -> Yoneda f a
liftYo x = Yoneda $ \f -> fmap f x

lowerYo :: (Functor f) => Yoneda f a -> f a
lowerYo (Yoneda y) = y id

instance Functor (Yoneda f) where
    fmap f (Yoneda y) = Yoneda $ \g -> y (g . f)

loopFusion = lowerYo . fmap f . fmap g . liftYo

But I could have just written loopFusion = fmap (f . g). Why would I use Yoneda at all? Are there other use cases?

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Iven Marquardt Avatar asked Jun 06 '19 12:06

Iven Marquardt

People also ask

Why is the Yoneda lemma important?

The Yoneda lemma is an elementary but deep and central result in category theory and in particular in sheaf and topos theory. It is essential background behind the central concepts of representable functors, universal constructions, and universal elements.

How can I understand Yoneda lemma?

The Yoneda lemma tells us that a natural transformation between a hom-functor and any other functor F is completely determined by specifying the value of its single component at just one point! The rest of the natural transformation just follows from naturality conditions.

2 Answers

Well, in this case you could have done fusion by hand, because the two fmaps are "visible" in the source code, but the point is that Yoneda does the transformation at runtime. It's a dynamic thing, most useful when you don't know how many times you will need to fmap over a structure. E.g. consider lambda terms:

data Term v = Var v | App (Term v) (Term v) | Lam (Term (Maybe v))

The Maybe under Lam represents the variable bound by the abstraction; in the body of a Lam, the variable Nothing refers to the bound variable, and all variables Just v represent the ones bound in the environment. (>>=) :: Term v -> (v -> Term v') -> Term v' represents substitution—each variable can be replaced with a Term. However, when replacing a variable inside a Lam, all the variables in the produced Term need to be wrapped in Just. E.g.

Lam $ Lam $ Var $ Just $ Just $ ()
  >>= \() -> App (Var "f") (Var "x")
Lam $ Lam $ App (Var $ Just $ Just "f") (Var $ Just $ Just "x")

The naive implementation of (>>=) goes like this:

(>>=) :: Term v -> (v -> Term v') -> Term v'
Var x >>= f = f x
App l r >>= f = App (l >>= f) (r >>= f)
Lam b >>= f = Lam (b >>= maybe (Var Nothing) (fmap Just . f))

But, written like this, every Lam that (>>=) goes under adds an fmap Just to f. If I had a Var v buried under 1000 Lams, then I would end up calling fmap Just and iterating over the new f v term 1000 times! I can't just pull your trick and fuse multiple fmaps into one, by hand, because there's only one fmap in the source code being called multiple times.

Yoneda can ease the pain:

bindTerm :: Term v -> (v -> Yoneda Term v') -> Term v'
bindTerm (Var x) f = lowerYoneda (f x)
bindTerm (App l r) f = App (bindTerm l f) (bindTerm r f)
bindTerm (Lam b) f =
  Lam (bindTerm b (maybe (liftYoneda $ Var Nothing) (fmap Just . f)))

(>>=) :: Term v -> (v -> Term v') -> Term v'
t >>= f = bindTerm t (liftYoneda . f)

Now, the fmap Just is free; it's just a wonky function composition. The actual iteration over the produced Term is in the lowerYoneda, which is only called once for each Var. To reiterate: the source code nowhere contains anything of the form fmap f (fmap g x). Such forms only arise at runtime, dynamically, depending on the argument to (>>=). Yoneda can rewrite that, at runtime, to fmap (f . g) x, even though you can't rewrite it like that in the source code. Further, you can add Yoneda to existing code with minimal changes to it. (There is, however, a drawback: lowerYoneda is always called exactly once for each Var, which means e.g. Var v >>= f = fmap id (f v) where it was just f v, before.)

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HTNW Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09


There is an example similar in spirit to the one described by HTNW in lens. A look at (a paraphrased version of) the lens function illustrates what a typical van Laarhoven lens looks like:

-- type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens getter setter = \f -> \s -> fmap (setter s) (f (getter s))

The occurrence of fmap in there means that composing lenses will, in principle, lead to consecutive uses of fmap. Now, most of the time this doesn't actually matter: the implementations in lens use a lot of inlining and newtype coercion so that, when using the lens combinators (view, over, and so forth), the involved functor (typically Const or Identity) is generally optimised away. In a few situations, however, it is not possible to do that (for instance, if the lens is used in such a way that a concrete choice of functor isn't done in compile time). As compensation, lens offers a helper function called fusing, which makes it possible to have fmap fusion in those special cases. Its implementation is:

-- type LensLike f s t a b = (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
fusing :: Functor f => LensLike (Yoneda f) s t a b -> LensLike f s t a b
fusing t = \f -> lowerYoneda . t (liftYoneda . f)

That being so, if you write fusing (foo . bar), Yoneda f is picked as the functor to be used by foo . bar, which guarantees fmap fusion.

(This answer was inspired by a comment by Edward Kmett, which I happened to stumble upon right before seeing this question.)

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duplode Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
