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Is synchronizing with `std::mutex` slower than with `std::atomic(memory_order_seq_cst)`?

The main reason for using atomics over mutexes, is that mutexes are expensive but with the default memory model for atomics being memory_order_seq_cst, isn't this just as expensive?

Question: Can concurrent a program using locks be as fast as concurrent lock-free program?

If so, it may not be worth the effort unless I want to use memory_order_acq_rel for atomics.

Edit: I may be missing something but lock-based cant be faster than lock-free because each lock will have to be a full memory barrier too. But with lock-free, it's possible to use techniques that are less restrictive then memory barriers.

So back to my question, is lock-free any faster than lock based in new C++11 standard with default memory_model?

Is "lock-free >= lock-based when measured in performance" true? Let's assume 2 hardware threads.

Edit 2: My question is not about progress guarantees, and maybe I'm using "lock-free" out of context.

Basically when you have 2 threads with shared memory, and the only guarantee you need is that if one thread is writing then the other thread can't read or write, my assumption is that a simple atomic compare_and_swap operation would be much faster than locking a mutex.

Because if one thread never even touches the shared memory, you will end up locking and unlocking over and over for no reason but with atomic operations you only use 1 CPU cycle each time.

In regards to the comments, a spin-lock vs a mutex-lock is very different when there is very little contention.

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jaybny Avatar asked Apr 30 '13 20:04


People also ask

Is Atomic faster than mutex?

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Is std :: mutex fair?

In practice std::mutex implementations will probably use whatever mutex implementation their platform provides, which are moslty unfair, as this is usually simpler and more efficient. On windows e.g. mutexes are mostly fair, but not always.

2 Answers

Lockfree programming is about progress guarantees: From strongest to weakest, those are wait-free, lock-free, obstruction-free, and blocking.

A guarantee is expensive and comes at a price. The more guarantees you want, the more you pay. Generally, a blocking algorithm or datastructure (with a mutex, say) has the greatest liberties, and thus is potentially the fastest. A wait-free algorithm on the other extreme must use atomic operations at every step, which may be much slower.

Obtaining a lock is actually rather cheap, so you should never worry about that without a deep understanding of the subject. Moreover, blocking algorithms with mutexes are much easier to read, write and reason about. By contrast, even the simplest lock-free data structures are the result of long, focused research, each of them worth one or more PhDs.

In a nutshell, lock- or wait-free algorithms trade worst latency for mean latency and throughput. Everything is slower, but nothing is ever very slow. This is a very special characteristic that is only useful in very specific situations (like real-time systems).

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Kerrek SB Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Kerrek SB

A lock tends to require more operations than a simple atomic operation does. In the simplest cases, memory_order_seq_cst will be about twice as fast as locking because locking tends to require, at minimum two atomic operations in its implementation (one to lock, one to unlock). In many cases, it takes even more than that. However, once you start leveraging the memory orders, it can be much faster because you are willing to accept less synchronization.

Also, you'll often see "locking algorithms are always as fast as lock free algorithms." This is somewhat true. The basic idea is that if the fastest algorithm happens to be lock free, then the fastest algorithm without the lock-free guarentee is ALSO the same algorithm! However, if the fastest algortihm requires locks, then those demanding lockfree guarantees have to go find a slower algorithm.

In general, you will see lockfree algorithms in a few low level algorithms, where the performance of leveraging specialized opcodes helps. In almost all other code, locking is more than satisfactory performance, and much easier to read.

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Cort Ammon Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Cort Ammon