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Is SQL Server support for JSON a replacement for NoSql solutions like MongoDB?

After many years working with SQL databases, it feels unconformable working with a database that doesn't rely on a schema to model the data.

I understand that SQL and NoSQL solutions have their places for different business needs and goals, but I don't have any experience with NoSQL databases.

But since I discovered that Microsoft SQL Server has support to also work with JSON data (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/json/json-data-sql-server?view=sql-server-2017), I wonder:

Can I always default to SQL Server for any (new) application I might need to create and use this flexibility of JSON querying when needed?

That would mean I don't have to wrap my head around considering between SQL Server OR MongoDB OR both. I could just use SQL Server always and be good to go.

A similar consideration of mine is about graph-databases. SQL Server vs Neo4j for graph databases. (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/graphs/sql-graph-architecture?view=sql-server-2017).

Sure SQL Server support for graph is inferior compared to Neo4j which is specialized for that task, but it seems that Microsoft is trying to create a one-for-all database solution that every project could rely on.

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Reuel Ribeiro Avatar asked Jan 10 '19 03:01

Reuel Ribeiro

People also ask

Does NoSQL support JSON?

A JSON database is arguably the most popular category in the NoSQL family of databases. NoSQL database management differs from traditional relational databases that struggle to store data outside of columns and rows.

Does SQL Server support NoSQL?

SQL Server and Azure SQL Database have native JSON functions that enable you to parse JSON documents using standard SQL language. You can store JSON documents in SQL Server or SQL Database and query JSON data as in a NoSQL database.

Which type of NoSQL database can be used to store JSON objects?

MongoDB. MongoDB is the most popular NoSQL database. A free and open source, cross-platform, document-oriented database, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas.

Can I use SQL instead of MongoDB?

SQL databases are used to store structured data while NoSQL databases like MongoDB are used to save unstructured data. MongoDB is used to save unstructured data in JSON format. MongoDB does not support advanced analytics and joins like SQL databases support.

1 Answers

Now a days mostly all database providing the datatype of any field in a table as json type. But relational database is not providing the solutions as nosql database.

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harit Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
