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SQL Server - Get the Total Count with the TOP 1 product




I need to be able to find the total count of orders placed by a customer, but also find the top product in one query. For example in the following structure,

CREATE TABLE #Cust (CustId INT, CustName VARCHAR(50))
CREATE TABLE #Product (ProductId INT, ProductName VARCHAR(10) )
CREATE TABLE #Orders (CustId INT, ProductId INT, OrderTaken BIT)

        ( CustId, CustName )
VALUES  ( 1, 'Paul' ),
        ( 2, 'F' ),
        ( 3, 'Francis' )

INSERT #Product
        ( ProductId, ProductName )
VALUES  ( 1, 'Table' ),
        ( 2, 'Chair' )

INSERT #Orders
        ( CustId, ProductId, OrderTaken )
VALUES  ( 1, 1, 1 ),
        ( 1, 1, 1 ),
        ( 1, 2, 1 ),
        ( 2, 1, 1 )

I have come up with a query,

    SELECT TOP 1 SQ.ProductId, SUM(SQ.TotalCount) AS TotalQty FROM 
        SELECT O.ProductId, COUNT(*) TotalCount 
        FROM #Orders AS O WHERE O.CustId = C.CustId 
        GROUP BY O.CustId , O.ProductId
    ) SQ 
    GROUP BY SQ.ProductId 
) X

But, that is not giving me the result I am looking for, for Paul it is giving me the correct ProductId, but a count of that product alone.

I want the a Query to return,

CustId  |   CustName    |   ProductId   |   TotalQty
1       |   Paul        |   1           |   3
2       |   F           |   1           |   1
3       |   Francis     |   NULL        |   NULL
like image 468
PaulFrancis Avatar asked Feb 03 '17 10:02


People also ask

What does top 1 do in SQL?

The TOP 1 means to only return one record as the result set. which record is returned, depends on the column that is specified in the order by clause. If you want to find the record with the minimum value for a particular column, you would query the record with the ORDER BY being ascending (ASC).

Can I use max COUNT ()) in SQL?

No, we can't use a MAX(COUNT(*) and we can not layer aggregate functions on top of one another in the same SELECT clause.

1 Answers

One option is with the WITH TiES clause

Select Top 1 with ties 
 From (
        Select  C.CustID
               ,TotalQty = count(O.CustId) over (Partition By O.CustID)
               ,ProdCount = count(O.CustId) over (Partition By O.CustID,O.ProductID)
         From  #Cust  C
         Left  Join #Orders O on C.CustID=O.CustId
      ) A
 Order by Row_Number() over (Partition By CustID Order by ProdCount Desc) 


CustID  CustName    ProductId   TotalQty
1       Paul        1           3
2       F           1           1
3       Francis     NULL        0
like image 186
John Cappelletti Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 21:10

John Cappelletti