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Efficient way of storing date ranges

I need to store simple data - suppose I have some products with codes as a primary key, some properties and validity ranges. So data could look like this:

code    value   begin_date  end_date
10905   13      2005-01-01  2016-12-31
10905   11      2017-01-01  null

Those ranges are not overlapping, so on every date I have a list of unique products and their properties. So to ease the use of it I've created the function:

create function dbo.f_Products
    @date date
returns table
return (
    from dbo.Products as p
        @date >= p.begin_date and
        @date <= p.end_date

This is how I'm going to use it:

from <some table with product codes> as t
    left join dbo.f_Products(@date) as p on
        p.code = t.product_code

This is all fine, but how I can let optimizer know that those rows are unique to have better execution plan?

I did some googling, and found a couple of really nice articles for DDL which prevents storing overlapping ranges in the table:

  • Self-maintaining, Contiguous Effective Dates in Temporal Tables
  • Storing intervals of time with no overlaps

But even if I try those constraint I see that optimizer cannot understand that resulting recordset will return unique codes.

What I'd like to have is certain approach which gives me basically the same performance as if I stored those products list on certain date and selected it with date = @date.

I know that some RDMBS (like PostgreSQL) have special data types for this (Range Types). But SQL Server doesn't have anything like this.

Am I missing something or there're no way to do this properly in SQL Server?

like image 771
Roman Pekar Avatar asked Nov 10 '16 16:11

Roman Pekar

People also ask

What is the best way to store datetime in database?

In SQL Server it is best to store DataTime as one field. If you create an index on DataTime column it can be used as Date search and as DateTime search. Therefore if you need to limit all records that exist for the specific date, you can still use the index without having to do anything special.

How do you display a date range?

Date range within a single cell To display two dates as a date range inside a single cell, you have to use the TEXT function. It converts a value to text in the specified format. The date in this example is written in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd. Fill two remaining cells to get ranges for all dates.

How to Store date format in Database?

The default way to store a date in a MySQL database is by using DATE. The proper format of a DATE is: YYYY-MM-DD. If you try to enter a date in a format other than the Year-Month-Day format, it might work but it won't be storing the dates as you expect.

1 Answers

You can create an indexed view that contains a row for each code/date in the range.

ProductDate (indexed view)
code    value   date
10905   13      2005-01-01
10905   13      2005-01-02
10905   13      ...
10905   13      2016-12-31
10905   11      2017-01-01
10905   11      2017-01-02
10905   11      ...
10905   11      Today

Like this:

create schema digits

create table digits.Ones (digit tinyint not null primary key)
insert into digits.Ones (digit) values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)

create table digits.Tens (digit tinyint not null primary key)
insert into digits.Tens (digit) values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)

create table digits.Hundreds (digit tinyint not null primary key)
insert into digits.Hundreds (digit) values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)

create table digits.Thousands (digit tinyint not null primary key)
insert into digits.Thousands (digit) values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)

create table digits.TenThousands (digit tinyint not null primary key)
insert into digits.TenThousands (digit) values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)

create schema info

create table info.Products (code int not null, [value] int not null, begin_date date not null, end_date date null, primary key (code, begin_date))
insert into info.Products (code, [value], begin_date, end_date) values 
(10905, 13, '2005-01-01', '2016-12-31'),
(10905, 11, '2017-01-01', null)

create table info.DateRange ([begin] date not null, [end] date not null, [singleton] bit not null default(1) check ([singleton] = 1))
insert into info.DateRange ([begin], [end]) values ((select min(begin_date) from info.Products), getdate())

create view info.ProductDate with schemabinding 
    dateadd(day, ones.digit + tens.digit*10 + huns.digit*100 + thos.digit*1000 + tthos.digit*10000, dr.[begin]) as [date]
    info.DateRange as dr
cross join
    digits.Ones as ones
cross join
    digits.Tens as tens
cross join
    digits.Hundreds as huns
cross join
    digits.Thousands as thos
cross join
    digits.TenThousands as tthos
    info.Products as p on
    dateadd(day, ones.digit + tens.digit*10 + huns.digit*100 + thos.digit*1000 + tthos.digit*10000, dr.[begin]) between p.begin_date and isnull(p.end_date, datefromparts(9999, 12, 31))

create unique clustered index idx_ProductDate on info.ProductDate ([date], code)

select *
from info.ProductDate with (noexpand)
    date = '2014-01-01'

drop view info.ProductDate
drop table info.Products
drop table info.DateRange
drop table digits.Ones
drop table digits.Tens
drop table digits.Hundreds
drop table digits.Thousands
drop table digits.TenThousands
drop schema digits
drop schema info
like image 196
Aducci Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
