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Is necessary to learn design patterns?

I wanna learn to programme with opengl (actually I wanna learn in the future about graphics, gpu, and hpc), a friend suggested me to read the GoF's book (design patterns) and after that, read something about Ogre3d or Qt or Sdl for example... I questioned about it, because I read a book in short time ago, and I want to improve my knowledge... is design patterns a requirement and then learn opengl?

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fpointbin Avatar asked Mar 29 '11 01:03


People also ask

Is it necessary to know design patterns?

Design patterns are a toolkit of tried and tested solutions to common problems in software design. Even if you never encounter these problems, knowing patterns is still useful because it teaches you how to solve all sorts of problems using principles of object-oriented design.

Why is learning design patterns important?

Crafted by experienced object-oriented practitioners, design patterns can make your designs more flexible, more resilient to change, and easier to maintain. If you've encountered design patterns only in passing, in a nutshell, they're general object-oriented solutions that you can use in your own designs.

Is design patterns hard to learn?

The main problem with design patterns is that they are not necessarily easy to learn. Many developers, especially the ones who don't have a lot of software-building experience, struggle with them. But if you do struggle with them, it may prevent you from getting a programming job at a reputable organization.

1 Answers

Design patterns have nothing to do with graphics programming. They are broadly applicable ways you can solve multiple problems that commonly arise in programming. I 'll have to refer you to this very good question here for more: How do you know when to use design patterns?.

My personal opinion is that you should not dive into design patterns before accumulating some experience with programming in general first. To get design patters you need to have a first-hand experience of the problems they will help you solve (someone who has never needed a fire will find it hard to understand the usefulness of matches).

Start with a few introductory texts, then get some hands on experience (in graphics, since that is your area of choice), and then read the GoF book.

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Jon Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
