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Factory method pattern in java using generics, how to?

I have code that looks like follows:

public interface BaseDAO{
// marker interface

public interface CustomerDAO extends BaseDAO{
public void createCustomer();
public void deleteCustomer();
public Customer getCustomer(int id);
// etc

public abstract class DAOFactory {
public BaseDAO getCustomerDAO();
public static DAOFactory getInstance(){
  if(system.getProperty("allowtest").equals("yes")) {
  return new TestDAOFactory();
  else return new ProdDAOFactory();

public class TestDAOFactory extends DAOFactory{
public BaseDAO getCustomerDAO() {
  return new TestCustomerDAO(); // this is a concrete implementation
  //that extends CustomerDAO
  //and this implementation has dummy code on methods

public class ProdDAOFactory extends DAOFactory {
public BaseDAO getCustomerDAO() {
  return new ProdCustomerDAO(); // this implementation would have 
  // code that would connect to the database and do some stuff..

Now, I do know that this code smells.. for many reasons. However, this code is here too: http://java.sun.com/blueprints/corej2eepatterns/Patterns/DataAccessObject.html, refer 9.8

What I intend to do is this: 1) Switch my DAOs implementations at runtime based on environment (system properties). 2) Make use of java generics so that I can avoid type casting... for instance does something like this:

CustomerDAO dao = factory.getCustomerDAO();

As opposed to:

CustomerDAO dao = (CustomerDAO) factory.getCustomerDAO();

Your thoughts and suggestions, please.

like image 645
Jay Avatar asked May 12 '09 23:05


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2 Answers

You should define the factory like that:

public abstract class DAOFactory<DAO extends BaseDAO> {
public DAO getCustomerDAO();
public static <DAO extends BaseDAO> DAOFactory<DAO> getInstance(Class<DAO> typeToken){
  // instantiate the the proper factory by using the typeToken.
  if(system.getProperty("allowtest").equals("yes")) {
  return new TestDAOFactory();
  else return new ProdDAOFactory();

getInstance should return a proper typed DAOFactory.

The factory variable will have the type:

DAOFactory<CustomerDAO> factory = DAOFactory<CustomerDAO>.getInstance(CustomerDAO.class);

and the usage will be properly typed:

CustomerDAO dao = factory.getCustomerDAO();

the only problem will probably be a cast required inside the getInstance methods.

like image 187
Mihai Toader Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10

Mihai Toader

There's a bunch of articles detailing what you need:

  • Generic DAO Pattern With JDK 5.0
  • Generic Data Access Objects (same as above)
  • Don't repeat the DAO (with Spring, but the principles are the same)
  • Java 1.5 Generic DAO (Spring again)

Please note that, unlike your example, there is no reason why the methods of DAOFactory should not return the actual subclasses (i.e. CustomerDAO getCustomerDAO()). Furthermore, main benefit of using generic DAOs is having the entity type "genericized", so you don't have to cast from load()/get()/find() and similar methods.

like image 28
javashlook Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10
