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Is key-value pair available in Typescript?



People also ask

How do you get a key-value pair in TypeScript?

Use an index signature to define a key-value pair in TypeScript, e.g. const employee: { [key: string]: string | number } = {} . An index signature is used when we don't know all the names of a type's keys ahead of time, but we know the shape of their values. Copied!

Which data type has key-value pair?

A key-value pair (KVP) is an abstract data type that includes a group of key identifiers and a set of associated values. Key-value pairs are frequently used in lookup tables, hash tables and configuration files.

Is key-value pair available in Typescript?

Yes. Called an index signature:

interface Foo {
   [key: string]: number;

let foo:Foo = {};
foo['hello'] = 123;
foo = {
  'leet': 1337
console.log(foo['leet']); // 1337

Here keys are string and values are number.


You can use an es6 Map for proper dictionaries, polyfilled by core-js.

The simplest way would be something like:

var indexedArray: {[key: string]: number}


var indexedArray: {[key: string]: number} = {
    foo: 2118,
    bar: 2118

indexedArray['foo'] = 2118;
indexedArray.foo= 2118;

let foo = indexedArray['myKey'];
let bar = indexedArray.myKey;

You can also consider using Record, like this:

const someArray: Record<string, string>[] = [
    {'first': 'one'},
    {'second': 'two'}

Or write something like this:

const someArray: {key: string, value: string}[] = [
    {key: 'first', value: 'one'},
    {key: 'second', value: 'two'}

Is key-value pair available in Typescript?

If you think of a C# KeyValuePair<string, string>: No, but you can easily define one yourself:

interface KeyValuePair {
    key: string;
    value: string;


let foo: KeyValuePair = { key: "k", value: "val" };

Not for the questioner, but for all others, which are interested: See: How to define Typescript Map of key value pair. where key is a number and value is an array of objects

The solution is therefore:

let yourVar: Map<YourKeyType, YourValueType>;
// now you can use it:
yourVar = new Map<YourKeyType, YourValueType>();
yourVar[YourKeyType] = <YourValueType> yourValue;
