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TypeScript or JavaScript type casting

How does one handle type casting in TypeScript or Javascript?

Say I have the following TypeScript code:

module Symbology {       export class SymbolFactory {           createStyle( symbolInfo : SymbolInfo) : any {              if (symbolInfo == null)             {                  return null;             }              if (symbolInfo.symbolShapeType === "marker") {                        // how to cast to MarkerSymbolInfo                           return this.createMarkerStyle((MarkerSymbolInfo) symbolInfo);             }                                           }          createMarkerStyle(markerSymbol : MarkerSymbolInfo ): any {              throw "createMarkerStyle not implemented";         }                    } } 

where SymbolInfo is a base class. How do I handle typecasting from SymbolInfo to MarkerSymbolInfo in TypeScript or Javascript?

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Klaus Nji Avatar asked Nov 03 '12 00:11

Klaus Nji

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1 Answers

You can cast like this:

return this.createMarkerStyle(<MarkerSymbolInfo> symbolInfo); 

Or like this if you want to be compatible with tsx mode:

return this.createMarkerStyle(symbolInfo as MarkerSymbolInfo); 

Just remember that this is a compile-time cast, and not a runtime cast.

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blorkfish Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10
