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Is it safe to move elements of a initializer list? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
initializer_list and move semantics

In this code:

#include <vector>
#include <initializer_list>

template<typename T>
class some_custom_container : public std::vector<T>
   some_custom_container(const std::initializer_list<T>& contents)
      for (auto& i : contents)

class test_class

int main()
    test_class a;

    some_custom_container<test_class> i = { a, test_class(), a };

If I've understand it, all objects in { a, test_class(), a } are safe-constructed: the named-objects are copied and the unnamed objects are moved to construct the initializer_list. After, this initializer_list is passed by reference to the some_custom_container's constructor.

Then, to avoid useless doble-copies I move all of them to fill the vector.

Is it safe this constructor? I mean, in a strange situation, for example if T is evaluated as a reference & or &&, is the vector always well-filled (contains it safe objects)?

If this is the case, why the initializer_list constructor implementations of stl containers aren't implemented in this way? As I know, their constructors copy and don't move the contents.

like image 918
Peregring-lk Avatar asked Dec 19 '12 16:12


1 Answers

initializer_list only provides const access to its elements. You could use const_cast to make that code compile, but then the moves might end up with undefined behaviour (if the elements of the initializer_list are truly const). So, no it is not safe to do this moving. There are workarounds for this, if you truly need it.

like image 112
R. Martinho Fernandes Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

R. Martinho Fernandes