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Is it possible to use Swift's Enum in Obj-C?

People also ask

Can I use Swift enum in Objective-C?

From what I understand, you can only import Swift stuff in . m files and there is no way to forward declare an enum in Objective C.

How do I create an enum in Objective-C?

Objective-C Language Enums Defining an enumtypedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MyEnum) { MyEnumValueA = 0, MyEnumValueB = 5, MyEnumValueC = 10, }; You can also specify on the first value and all the following will use it with increment: typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MyEnum) { MyEnumValueA = 0, MyEnumValueB, MyEnumValueC, };

How do I import a Swift file into Objective-C?

Import Swift code into Objective-C within the same framework: Under Build Settings, in Packaging, make sure the Defines Module setting for that framework target is set to Yes. Import the Swift code from that framework target into any Objective-C .

Can associated values and raw values coexist in Swift enumeration?

The Problem with Associated Values We had to do this because Swift doesn't allow us to have both: raw values and associated values within the same enum. A Swift enum can either have raw values or associated values.

As of Swift version 1.2 (Xcode 6.3) you can. Simply prefix the enum declaration with @objc

@objc enum Bear: Int {
    case Black, Grizzly, Polar

Shamelessly taken from the Swift Blog

Note: This would not work for String enums or enums with associated values. Your enum will need to be Int-bound

In Objective-C this would look like

Bear type = BearBlack;
switch (type) {
    case BearBlack:
    case BearGrizzly:
    case BearPolar:
       [self runLikeHell];

To expand on the selected answer...

It is possible to share Swift style enums between Swift and Objective-C using NS_ENUM().

They just need to be defined in an Objective-C context using NS_ENUM() and they are made available using Swift dot notation.

From the Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C

Swift imports as a Swift enumeration any C-style enumeration marked with the NS_ENUM macro. This means that the prefixes to enumeration value names are truncated when they are imported into Swift, whether they’re defined in system frameworks or in custom code.


typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UITableViewCellStyle) {


let cellStyle: UITableViewCellStyle = .Default

From the Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C guide:

A Swift class or protocol must be marked with the @objc attribute to be accessible and usable in Objective-C. [...]

You’ll have access to anything within a class or protocol that’s marked with the @objc attribute as long as it’s compatible with Objective-C. This excludes Swift-only features such as those listed here:

Generics Tuples / Enumerations defined in Swift / Structures defined in Swift / Top-level functions defined in Swift / Global variables defined in Swift / Typealiases defined in Swift / Swift-style variadics / Nested types / Curried functions

So, no, you can't use a Swift enum in an Objective-C class.

Swift 4.1, Xcode 9.4.1:

1) Swift enum must be prefixed with @objc and be Int type:

// in .swift file:
@objc enum CalendarPermission: Int {
    case authorized
    case denied
    case restricted
    case undetermined

2) Objective-C name is enum name + case name, eg CalendarPermissionAuthorized:

// in .m file:
// point to something that returns the enum type (`CalendarPermission` here)
CalendarPermission calPermission = ...;

// use the enum values with their adjusted names
switch (calPermission) {
    case CalendarPermissionAuthorized:
        // code here
    case CalendarPermissionDenied:
    case CalendarPermissionRestricted:
        // code here
    case CalendarPermissionUndetermined:
        // code here

And, of course, remember to import your Swift bridging header as the last item in the Objective-C file's import list:

#import "MyAppViewController.h"
#import "MyApp-Swift.h"

If you prefer to keep ObjC codes as-they-are, you could add a helper header file in your project:


in the header file add this enum type:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, SomeEnum4ObjC)

There may be another place in your .m file to make a change: to include the hidden header file:

#import "[YourProjectName]-Swift.h"

replace [YourProjectName] with your project name. This header file expose all Swift defined @objc classes, enums to ObjC.

You may get a warning message about implicit conversion from enumeration type... It is OK.

By the way, you could use this header helper file to keep some ObjC codes such as #define constants.