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Is it possible to use HTML5 to display an MPEG Transport Stream video?

I have several MPEG2 Transport Stream videos with KLV metadata embedded in them. I would like to display the videos in a web browser. Is it possible to use the HTML5 <video> tag to play a video of this type in a web browser?

If I use a converter to pull the video out of the MPEG-TS container and create an MPEG4 file encoded with H.264, then I can get the video to show up in a browser. But is there any possible way I could display these videos without having to convert them into a different format? I need to keep the KLV data around so I can do other stuff with it.

like image 758
Steph Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 23:01


1 Answers

The actual video codec support is still up to the browser, but some support MPEG2-TS natively as a transport, and if they don't you can do software demuxing using hls.js. Reading KLV is an unresolved issue but you "should" (per that issue) be able to access the raw binary stream and parse out the values yourself -- not trivial, as such, but doable.

like image 195
Coderer Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 13:11
