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Is it possible to use functions before declaring their body in python?



Is there any way to make possible to use functions in your file before you actually declare their body?

The following code doesn't seem to work:

abc = myFunction

def myFunction():
    print "123"


like image 333
devoured elysium Avatar asked Dec 15 '09 18:12

devoured elysium

People also ask

Can you use a function before declaring it Python?

Is it possible to execute a python function before declaring it? No! It is not possible. Python does not allow calling of a function before declaring it like C.

What happens when a function is called before its declaration in Python?

If we do not use some function prototypes, and the function body is declared in some section which is present after the calling statement of that function. In such a case, the compiler thinks that the default return type is an integer. But if the function returns some other type of value, it returns an error.

Is it necessary to declare a function before use?

It is always recommended to declare a function before its use so that we don't see any surprises when the program is run (See this for more details).

What happens when you try to invoke a function before you define it?

Is hoisting actually "calling the function before it is defined"? Raising the scope of a declared name so that it will be defined for other code under that scope -- that's roughly what JavaScript does to allow you to call the function before it's declared, and that's hoisting.

2 Answers

You can't use the myFunction variable before it's assigned. Your example code is similar to:

def myFunction():
    print abc
    abc = 123

To do what you want, either re-arrange the order:

def myFunction():
    print "123"

abc = myFunction

Or declare abc as just a proxy:

# Style 1
abc = lambda: myFunction()

# Style 2
def abc():
    return myFunction()

def myFunction():
    print "123"

If your function takes parameters, use *args and **kwargs:

# Style 1
abc = lambda *args, **kwargs: myFunction(*args, **kwargs)

# Style 2
def abc(*args, **kwargs):
    return myFunction(*args, **kwargs)

def myFunction(x):
    print x
like image 53
John Millikin Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 10:10

John Millikin

You can declare functions that use forward declarations, but Python executes the code in your source from top to bottom. So, this would compile and run:

def foo():
    print "in foo"

def bar():
    print "in bar"


(except it would cause a stack overflow at runtime, of course). In your example, Python is executing the line

abc = myFunction

before myFunction is defined as anything. You could think of this in terms of typing your source code interactively into the interpreter. When you type in your assignment, you wouldn't have even typed in the definition of myFunction yet, so Python wouldn't be able to refer to it.

Another way to look at this might be the following:

>>> myFunction = "hello"
>>> abc = myFunction
>>> def myFunction():
...     print "there"
>>> abc
>>> myFunction
<function myFunction at 0x63270>
>>> myFunction()

As you can see, the definition of the myFunction function just changes the binding of the symbol myFunction to a function object.

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Greg Hewgill Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10

Greg Hewgill