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Is it possible to use an html page as a view in play framework 2?

I am fairly new to Play 2.0 - I try searching for samples but always keep on getting Scala templates as the view for directing the content to, is it possible to just use a non Scala based, pure html file as a view? How do you ask the Controller's action method to direct it to that html file?

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user2627953 Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 23:08


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1 Answers

First, put your HTML files in the public folder, for example:

  ├── html
      └── hello.html 

And then you can serve static HTML files using several ways with the Assets controller:

Either by refering to the file directly in the Url: http://localhost:9000/assets/html/hello.html

Either by using the routes file to map an Url to your file. In the routes file, add:

GET /hello  controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file="html/hello.html")

Then access the Html using http://localhost:9000/hello

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ndeverge Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
