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How to change configuration in distributed playframework application

Currently using playframework 2.0.2 and in my application.conf i set the db connection info


But what I would like to know is when i put my application into production using "play clean update dist" and then install it on site there is no application.conf. This means that I have to change the db connection before I distribute the code? is there a way to change the db connection in a config file after you have distributed it?

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user1434177 Avatar asked Nov 02 '12 00:11


2 Answers

When you use play dist the config files get packaged into a jar file in the zip. You could create a conf/prod.conf file containing something like:

include "application.conf"


Then when you start the Play app tell it to use the prod.conf file by running:

start -Dconfig.resource=prod.conf
like image 96
James Ward Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 02:10

James Ward

To avoid packaging the config file at all I would suggest that you create a prod.conf on the production servers and store in a folder other than folder you unzip the distributed files to. Then create a startup script like below (or a more sophisticated startup script that start your app as a service). By keeping the config file separate from you dist package you avoid the risk of accidentally overriding it when pushing out new changes.

sh start -Dconfig.file=/path/to/prod.conf &
like image 43
Ola Wiberg Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10

Ola Wiberg