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play silhouette is not inserting password into database table

I am using play silhouette 4.0.0-BETA4. Everything seems to work fine except for storing the password. Each time I try to sign a new user up, all it's details are entered except for the password which seems to be stored in passwordinfo table.

I am using a MySQL database.

I spent a few hours trying to find out where the problem is and I couldn't figure it out.


  "com.mohiva" %% "play-silhouette" % "4.0.0-BETA4",
  "com.mohiva" %% "play-silhouette-persistence-memory" % "4.0.0-BETA4",
  "com.mohiva" %% "play-silhouette-password-bcrypt" % "4.0.0-BETA4",
  "com.mohiva" %% "play-silhouette-testkit" % "4.0.0-BETA4" % "test"


val user = User(
  userID = UUID.randomUUID(),
  loginInfo = loginInfo,
  firstName = Some(data.firstName),
  lastName = Some(data.lastName),
  fullName = Some(data.firstName + " " + data.lastName),
  email = Some(data.email),
  avatarURL = None
for {
  avatar <- avatarService.retrieveURL(data.email)
  user <- userService.save(user.copy(avatarURL = avatar))
  authInfo <- authInfoRepository.add(loginInfo, authInfo)
  authenticator <- silhouette.env.authenticatorService.create(loginInfo)
  token <- silhouette.env.authenticatorService.init(authenticator)
} yield {
  silhouette.env.eventBus.publish(SignUpEvent(user, request))
  silhouette.env.eventBus.publish(LoginEvent(user, request))
  Ok(Json.obj("token" -> token))

Here authInfoRepository.add should add the password in database.

I tried to debug the add function of authInfoRepository and it seems to get me to an add function in DelegableAuthInfoRepository.scala. Here is the function:

  override def add[T <: AuthInfo](loginInfo: LoginInfo, authInfo: T): Future[T] = {
    daos.find(_.classTag.runtimeClass == authInfo.getClass) match {
      case Some(dao) => dao.asInstanceOf[AuthInfoDAO[T]].add(loginInfo, authInfo)
      case _         => throw new ConfigurationException(AddError.format(authInfo.getClass))

I used IntelliJ to evaluate daos.find(_.classTag.runtimeClass == authInfo.getClass) and it seems to give me an error which I cannot understand (the error is: Could not evaluate due to a change in a source file; this error appears only when evaluating with IntelliJ, nothing else appears in the logs). If I try to continue the execution, it goes to the case Some line. If I continue, the debugger return to daos.find line. I tried to check for implementations of the add function from the case Some line and it seems to find only something related to In Memory Database: InMemoryAuthInfoDAO.scala.

I am not sure if the problem is coming from here but I really cannot understand why it is not adding the password and everything else works as expected.

The code I used was taken from a few exemples from Silhouette website. I don't have much knowledge about security.

If there is anything else missing, please let me know.

like image 966
tzortzik Avatar asked Jun 14 '16 20:06


1 Answers

I solved a similar problem. I added this line.

/** SilhouetteModule.scala */

import net.ceedubs.ficus.readers.EnumerationReader._

Hope it helps :D

like image 165
kenjihsmt Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
