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Is it possible to run a Tomcat server and a few web applications on an Android device? (ie. a tablet)


The title pretty much says it all, but let me provide some more details.

What we are trying to accomplish is to build a mobile server platform. We already have a server platform written in Java, that runs on a Tomcat server. It provides web interfaces, and web service interfaces to clients.

This system was built, like most web apps are, to perform in a fixed location.

Now, we need to be able to take the web services and server software to remote, unconnected locations.

Our idea is, that we will use an Android tablet with Wifi enabled as a server for the clients local to the device. The server will do its thing running on the tablet to serve local clients, then once the tablet comes back within range of a 3G/4G/EDGE or whatever network, the tablet will uplink the data collected to a master server.

The number of clients that could be served is relatively small - no more than 20 or so at a time. The volume of traffic would be small in the <32K per second range per client, and further the web server and applications have a relatively small footprint.

If we wanted to go about setting up this stuff on Android, first, is it even possible without rooting the devices? Second, if it is possible would it run with any kind of decent performance?

Thanks in advance!

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Brian Teeter Avatar asked Jan 11 '11 22:01

Brian Teeter

People also ask

Can I run two web apps in same Tomcat if so how?

Simply drop both war files into Tomcat's webapps folder. That is all you need to do. By default, Tomcat expands ("explodes" some say) each war (technically a zip file) into a folder and automatically deploys the app for you. This happens on the fly if Tomcat is already running, or on startup when you launch Tomcat.

Can you run a web server on Android?

If you've ever wanted to install a web server on your Android device, you're in luck. This walk-through explains how to install and configure HTTP Server powered by Apache. From the office of “We do this because we can” comes the ability to run a web server on an Android device.

Can I use Tomcat as a web server?

Tomcat can be used as web server in addition to servlet engine. Tomcat also supports SSL, much similar to the way in which SSL is implemented in Web NMS. So there is no extra concern to customers using SSL. Tomcat is also a Java application, hence running as Web NMS web server in SSL mode is much simpler.

Is Tomcat an application or web server?

Apache Tomcat (Link resides outside IBM) is an open source application server that executes Java Servlets, renders and delivers web pages that include JavaServer Page code, and serves Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications. Released in 1998, Tomcat is the most widely used open source Java application server.

1 Answers

You can try using I-Jetty to run a Java web application on Android. You won't need to do any rooting, but I could not find any performance information. You might just have to do your own benchmarking to find out if it will suit your needs.

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Eric Levine Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09

Eric Levine