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Haskell (n+1) in pattern matching


I was doing the 99 Problems in Haskell when I encountered a solution to Problem 19 that I did not fully understand.

The task is to write a rotate function that works like this

*Main> rotate ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'] 3

*Main> rotate ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'] (-2)

One provided solution is

rotate [] _ = []
rotate l 0 = l
rotate (x:xs) (n+1) = rotate (xs ++ [x]) n
rotate l n = rotate l (length l + n)

I don't understand how the pattern matching can ever reach the fourth line. It seems to have to do with the (n+1) so that when n is negative the third line does not match and therefore the fourth is taken. If that is the case why does the notation (n+1) work that way resp. isn't that arbitrary or is that a convention (in mathematics?) that I'm not aware of?

Because the way I understand it is that rotate is called recursively in the third line with the argument n reduced by one. So I would think that

rotate [] _ = []
rotate l 0 = l
rotate (x:xs) n = rotate (xs ++ [x]) (n-1)
rotate l n = rotate l (length l + n)

is equivalent. However, it is not. This definition gives the following warning

Warning: Pattern match(es) are overlapped
         In the definition of `rotate': rotate l n = ...

whereas the former definition compiles just fine.

like image 766
Eugen Avatar asked Feb 06 '11 13:02


People also ask

Where is pattern matching in Haskell?

We use pattern matching in Haskell to simplify our codes by identifying specific types of expression. We can also use if-else as an alternative to pattern matching. Pattern matching can also be seen as a kind of dynamic polymorphism where, based on the parameter list, different methods can be executed.

What is pattern matching in Haskell explain with example?

In a functional language, pattern matching involves checking an argument against different forms. A simple example involves recursively defined operations on lists. I will use OCaml to explain pattern matching since it's my functional language of choice, but the concepts are the same in F# and Haskell, AFAIK.

Does Haskell have pattern matching?

(Pattern matching in Haskell is different from that found in logic programming languages such as Prolog; in particular, it can be viewed as "one-way" matching, whereas Prolog allows "two-way" matching (via unification), along with implicit backtracking in its evaluation mechanism.)

1 Answers

It's a specific case of what is called "n+k patterns", which is generally disliked, and will be has been removed from the language. See here for more information.

Here is a good note on n+k patterns, which quotes the following from the Haskell 98 Report (emphasis mine):

Matching an n+k pattern (where n is a variable and k is a positive integer literal) against a value v succeeds if x >= k, resulting in the binding of n to x - k, and fails otherwise. Again, the functions >= and - are overloaded, depending on the type of the pattern. The match diverges if the comparison diverges.

The interpretation of the literal k is the same as in numeric literal patterns, except that only integer literals are allowed.

So the n+1 is only matched if n is at least 1, as you suspected. Your alternative code removes this restriction, resulting in overlapping pattern matches.

like image 142
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 01:09
