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Is it possible to return an instance of a non-movable, non-copyable type?

In VS2013 update 5, I've got this:

class Lock
    Lock(CriticalSection& cs) : cs_(cs)

    Lock(const Lock&) = delete;
    Lock(Lock&&) = delete;
    Lock& operator=(const Lock&) = delete;
    Lock& operator=(Lock&&) = delete;


    CriticalSection& cs_;

class CriticalSection
    CriticalSection(const CriticalSection&) = delete;
    CriticalSection& operator=(const CriticalSection&) = delete;
    CriticalSection(CriticalSection&&) = delete;
    CriticalSection& operator=(CriticalSection&&) = delete;



    // Usage:  auto lock = criticalSection.MakeLock();
    Lock MakeLock()
        return Lock(*this);

MakeLock returns an instance of a non-movable, non-copyable type. And this seems to work ok. But, Visual Studio intellisense does underline the return in red with a warning that Lock's move constructor can't be referenced as it is a deleted function.

I'm trying to understand why this works and if it is standard conforming C++ or just something peculiar to MSVC. I guess the return works because the need to construct the returned value can be optimized away, so the intellisense warning warns about something that doesn't - in practice - actually happen.

I think I read somewhere that that C++ would standardize on ensuring that return value optimizations would always happen.

So, is this conforming C++ code and will it continue to work in future compilers?

P.S. I realize std::mutex and a std::lock_guard might replace this.

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Scott Langham Avatar asked Dec 14 '15 09:12

Scott Langham

2 Answers

In C++17, the code in Martin Bonner's answer is legal.

The compiler is not only permitted, but also obligated to elide the copy. Live examples for Clang and GCC. C++17 6.3.2/2 (emphasis mine):

[...] [Note: A return statement can involve an invocation of a constructor to perform a copy or move of the operand if it is not a prvalue or if its type differs from the return type of the function. A copy operation associated with a return statement may be elided or converted to a move operation if an automatic storage duration variable is returned (10.9.5). — end note]

A prvalue here means as much as a temporary. For exact definitions and a lot of examples, see here.

In C++11, this is indeed illegal. But it is easily remedied, by using brace initialization in the return statement, you construct the return value at the call site location, perfectly bypassing the requirement of an often-elided copy constructor. C++11 6.6.3/2:

[...] A return statement with a braced-init-list initializes the object or reference to be returned from the function by copy-list-initialization (8.5.4) from the specified initializer list. [...]

Copy-list-initialization means that only the constructor is called. No copy/move constructors are involved.

Live examples for Clang and GCC. From Visual Studio compiler version 16.14 up, setting the correct language standard allows this code to be compiled.

Returning non-copyable objects like this is a very powerful construct for returning e.g. std::lock_guards from functions (allowing you to easily keep a std::mutex member private) etc.

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rubenvb Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10


If that compiles, it is a bug in the compiler. VC2015 correctly fails to compile it.

class Foo
    Foo() {}
    Foo(const Foo&) = delete;
    Foo(Foo&&) = delete;

Foo Bar()
    return Foo();

Gives me:

xxx.cpp(327): error C2280: 'Foo::Foo(Foo &&)': attempting to reference a deleted function

and g++ 4.9 says:

error : use of deleted function 'Foo::Foo(Foo&&)'

The standard is very clear that a copy constructor or move constructor must exist and be accessible, even if RVO means it is not invoked.

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Martin Bonner supports Monica Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10

Martin Bonner supports Monica