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What is the meaning of a double dot within a square bracket in C++





In the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\OleAuto.h, I found the following code that I do not know how to interpret:

WINOLEAUTAPI SafeArrayAccessData(_In_ SAFEARRAY * psa,
_Outptr_result_buffer_(_Inexpressible_(psa->cbElements * 
void HUGEP** ppvData);

Note the double period within the square bracket. Is that a new operator in C++?

like image 297
Hector Avatar asked Jun 04 '15 18:06


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1 Answers

It appears to be a SAL annotation used to tell the static analyzer that the size of the buffer is too complex to represent using ordinary annotations:


It doesn't have to contain valid syntax, but what it contains is probably meant to succinctly illustrate to a human reader how the size of the buffer could be calculated.

If I'm to interpret it myself, I'd guess it means what the following code would yield:

DWORD CalculateInexpressibleSafeArrayDataSize(SAFEARRAY * psa)
    DWORD cbSize = psa->cbElements;
    for (int i = 0; i < psa->cDims; i++) // product()
        cbSize *= psa->rgsabound[i]->cElements;
    return cbSize;
like image 53
DoomMuffins Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09
