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What are the expression syntax over types C++ support?

I was working with a templated class which takes a set of integers. The code was like,

template<unsigned... Idx>
struct work{ ... };

Then I realized, user may need to provide either a set of integers, or a range of integers. So, I changed the syntax little to support instantiation like,

work<indexes<1,3,2,4> > //instead of work<1,3,2,4>
work<span<1,4> > //same as work<1,2,3,4> 

While, in C++ we have large number of operators, and can be used to formulate exotic expression templates (say boost::xpressive, boost::lambda, boost::spirit etc) , possibilities for type manipulation is much less.

In a boostcon keynote by Sean Parent, he noted one still can not write pair<int> to denote a pair of integers. In my persinal library, I made a syntax like tuple<int[3]> to denote a tuple of 3 integers, instead of writing a tuple with 3 int in the type arguments, noting that I do not write a raw array as tuple argument anywhere! (note: std::array<int,3> is not same as the above, as std::array can not store references while tuple can, say std::tuple<int&,int&,int&> is possible)

So, I want to know what are the different kind of "type expressions" I can write?

So far I can think of object type, function type, reference type, with/without cv modifiers, pointers etc. e.g

    template<class T>
    struct tpl;

    using t1 = tpl<int>;//simple type
    //function (can have function pointer/reference also) 
    // e.g. void(*)(int,float) or void(&)(int,float)
    using t2 = tpl<void(int,float)>;
    //array can have pointer / reference also
    //e.g. int(&)[4] or int (*)[4]
    using t3 = tpl<int[4]>;
    using t4 = tpl<int[]>;
    using t5 = tpl<int const>;//with cv modifiers
    using t6 = tpl<int*>;//with pointer
    using t7 = tpl<int&>;//with reference (& or &&)
    using t8 = tpl<tpl<int> >; //template itself
    using t9 = tpl<void(...)>; //variadic functions
    using t10 = tpl<R C::*>; //pointer to member

But I believe, many more are possible.

NOTE: This question is purely theoretical, I just want to know all kinds of syntax I can write inside <> as type argument, and not about the readability/morality aspect of it, or even how can I implement some of the examples I had given, like the work class.

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abir Avatar asked Jun 17 '13 07:06


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2 Answers

Compound types can be constructed using the declarator syntax - found in [dcl.decl].

Underlying this syntax are six fundamental constructs, within which any T can be substituted by any of the other constructs in the list. [In the following, (T) represents a list of zero or more types (which may end in '...'), and <T> represents a list of one or more types.]

T // T
T* // pointer to T
T& // reference to T
T[n] // array of size 'n' of T
T C::* // pointer to C::member of type T
T (T) // function taking '(T)' and returning T

EDIT: The type of a class template specialization can be subsituted for any T:

C<T> // specialization of class template C with arguments '<T>'

There are combinations of the above that produce constructs which have special significance:

T (*)(T) // pointer to function taking '(T)' and returning T
T (C::*)(T) // pointer to C::member-function taking '(T)' and returning T

Additionally, some of the constructs may be cv-qualified:

const T // const T
T* const // const pointer to T
T C::* const // const pointer to C::member of type T

Not all of the combinations result in valid types. According to [basic.compound], only the following combinations can be used:

Compound types can be constructed in the following ways:

  • arrays of objects of a given type
  • functions, which have parameters of given types and return void or references or objects of a given type
  • pointers to void or objects or functions (including static members of classes) of a given type
  • references to objects or functions of a given type
  • pointers to non-static class members, which identify members of a given type within objects of a given class

Additional restrictions are mentioned:

[dcl.ptr] there are no pointers to references

[dcl.ref] There shall be no references to references, no arrays of references, and no pointers to references

[dcl.mptr] A pointer to member shall not point to ... a member with reference type, or "cv void."

[dcl.fct] The parameter list (void) is equivalent to the empty parameter list. Except for this special case, void shall not be a parameter type. ... If the type of a parameter includes a type of the form “pointer to array of unknown bound of T” or “reference to array of unknown bound of T,” the program is ill-formed. Functions shall not have a return type of type array or function.

Some of the possible constructs cannot be used as template-arguments. When you explicitly specify a set of template-arguments, the compiler must check that the template-arguments can be substituted for the template-parameters without resulting in an 'invalid type'. According to [temp.deduct]\2, the following constructs constitute invalid types:

Type deduction may fail for the following reasons:

  • Attempting to create an array with an element type that is void, a function type, or a reference type, or attempting to create an array with a size that is zero or negative.

    template <class T> int f(T[5]);
    int I = f<int>(0);
    int j = f<void>(0); // invalid array
  • Attempting to use a type that is not a class type in a qualified name.

    template <class T> int f(typename T::B*);
    int i = f<int>(0);
  • Attempting to use a type in the qualifier portion of a qualified name that names a type when that type does not contain the specified member, or if the specified member is not a type where a type is required.

    template <class T> int f(typename T::B*);
    struct A {};
    struct C { int B; };
    int i = f<A>(0);
    int j = f<C>(0);
  • Attempting to create a pointer to reference type.

  • Attempting to create a reference to a reference type or a reference to void.

  • Attempting to create "pointer to member of T" when T is not a class type.

    template <class T> int f(int T::*);
    int i = f<int>(0);
  • Attempting to perform an invalid conversion in either a template argument expression, or an expression used in the function declaration.

    template <class T, T*> int f(int);
    int i2 = f<int,1>(0); // can’t conv 1 to int*
  • Attempting to create a function type in which a parameter has a type of void.

  • Attempting to create a cv-qualified function type.

EDIT: This is based on C++03, but also applies to C++11 (which adds rvalue reference types)

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14 revs, 2 users 96% Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09

14 revs, 2 users 96%

I'm not entirely sure what you are asking about. I thought the sample you gave was interesting and played a little bit with it.

I came up with an implementation that makes span<a,b> to be a template alias for indexes<a, ..., b>, using the trick of type deduction in constexpr functions:

template <int a, int b> using span = decltype(expand_span<a,b>());

Now you can have your cake and eat it:

// using indirect template arguments
template<typename> struct indirect_work { };

void test_indirect()
    indirect_work<indexes<1,2,3,4>> x;
    indirect_work<span<1,4>>        y;

    x = y; // x and y are of identical types
    static_assert(std::is_same<indexes<1,2,3,4>, span<1,4>>::value, "fact check");

But, perhaps more interestingly, you can still have your primary work template take a raw <int...> template argument list:

// using direct template arguments
template<int...> struct direct_work { };

// deduction alias:
template<int... direct> constexpr direct_work<direct...> deduction_helper(indexes<direct...>);
template <typename Idx> using deduce = decltype(deduction_helper(Idx{}));

void test_direct()
    direct_work<1,2,3,4> x;
    deduce<indexes<1,2,3,4>> y;
    deduce<span<1,4>> z;

    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(x), decltype(y)>::value, "fact check");
    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(x), decltype(z)>::value, "fact check");

See a complete working demonstration here: gcc on ideone. I compiled it with clang locally.

Full code

Code for expand_span duplicated here in case link should go dead:

#include <type_traits>

template <int...> struct indexes {};

namespace {
    template<int a, int... other>
        constexpr indexes<a, other...> combine(indexes<other...> deduce);

    template<int a, int b, typename Enable = void> struct expand_span_; // primary

    template<int a, int b>
    struct expand_span_<a, b, typename std::enable_if< (a==b), void >::type> {
        static constexpr indexes<a> dispatch();

    template<int a, int b>
    struct expand_span_<a, b, typename std::enable_if< (a<b), void >::type> {
        static constexpr decltype(combine<a>(expand_span_<a+1, b>::dispatch())) 

    template<int a, int b>
    constexpr auto expand_span() -> decltype(expand_span_<a,b>::dispatch());

template <int a, int b> using span = decltype(expand_span<a,b>());

// using indirect template arguments
template<typename> struct indirect_work { };

void test_indirect()
    indirect_work<indexes<1,2,3,4>> x;
    indirect_work<span<1,4>>        y;

    x = y; // x and y are of identical types
    static_assert(std::is_same<indexes<1,2,3,4>, span<1,4>>::value, "fact check");

// using direct template arguments
template<int...> struct direct_work { };

// deduction alias:
template<int... direct> constexpr direct_work<direct...> deduction_helper(indexes<direct...>);
template <typename Idx> using deduce = decltype(deduction_helper(Idx{}));

void test_direct()
    direct_work<1,2,3,4> x;
    deduce<indexes<1,2,3,4>> y;
    deduce<span<1,4>> z;

    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(x), decltype(y)>::value, "fact check");
    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(x), decltype(z)>::value, "fact check");

int main()
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sehe Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
