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Is it possible to integrate Mercurial commits with JIRA or FishEye (via TortoiseHg or hg)?

Is there a way to link every HG commit to a specific bug tracking issue?

For example, show a drop down when committing from TortoiseHg with all active JIRA issues assigned to the current user (similar to the TortoiseSVN Plugin for JIRA). Maybe a drop down is too fancy, but is there something similar to the TortoiseSVN Integration with Bug Tracking Systems / Issue Trackers available at least, i.e. a text box in the top right of the commit window where you can enter the issue number? Can't seem to find anything similar in THG.

I found some promising configurations in the TortoiseHg manual but find them very primitive... Ideas/thoughts/workarounds?

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Ash Avatar asked Jun 23 '10 15:06


3 Answers

It's there now.

Go to File/Settings/, then choose either the global settings tab or the repository's one.

Under Issue Tracking add the appropriate regex and link. For example \b\w{3,7}-\d+\b and http://your.jira.server.com:8080/browse/{0}.

See http://caraulean.com/blog/2011/09/09/tortoisehg-and-jira-integrationthe-lightweight-option/

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Sandro Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11


fyi, this was addressed by the TortoiseHg team about two weeks ago. it is currently in nightly builds, but will likely make it into the next real release.

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Peter Dohm Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

Peter Dohm

The answer is no -- TortoiseHg does not support the features you ask for. The feature has already been entered into TortoiseHg's bug tracker, so I suggest you sign up at Bitbucket and "follow" the issue there.

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Martin Geisler Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11

Martin Geisler