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Is it possible to insert extra operation in fold expression?

In C++17, fold expression is available, so to print arguments, we could use

#define EOL '\n'

template<typename ...Args>
void output_argus(Args&&... args) 
    (cout << ... << args) << EOL;

int main()
    output_argus(1, "test", 5.6f);

having the output

What if I would like using the fold expression appending an extra character '\n' to each element to get the following results?


Is that even possible? If yes, how?

like image 331
r0n9 Avatar asked Nov 08 '18 22:11


1 Answers

What if I would like using the fold expression appending an extra character '\n' to each element to get the following results?

You can use the power of the comma operator

 ((std::cout << args << std::endl), ...);

or, as suggested by Quentin (thanks) and as you asked, you can simply use \n instead of std::endl (to avoid multiple flushing of the stream)

 ((std::cout << args << '\n'), ...); 
like image 191
max66 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10
