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is it possible to get collection of types what form the union?



Let's say I have the Union:

    SomeUnion = Union{Int, String}

Is there a method to extract a collection of types that form this union? For example ....

    union_types(SomeUnion) # => [Int, String]
like image 867
Oleh Devua Avatar asked Jul 27 '15 00:07

Oleh Devua

1 Answers

just write down a simple example here:

a = Union(Int,String)

function union_types(x)
  return x.types

julia> union_types(a)

you can store the result into an array if you want:

function union_types(x)
    return collect(DataType, x.types)

julia> union_types(a)
2-element Array{DataType,1}:

UPDATE: use collect as @Luc Danton suggested in comment below.

like image 56
4 revs Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

4 revs