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How do I list all files and directories in a directory in Julia?

In Python, I could use:

from os import listdir

In Julia, how can I list everything inside a given directory?

like image 782
Johannes Walter Avatar asked Aug 05 '20 15:08

Johannes Walter

People also ask

What are the command to list all the directories?

The ls command is used to list files or directories in Linux and other Unix-based operating systems. Just like you navigate in your File explorer or Finder with a GUI, the ls command allows you to list all files or directories in the current directory by default, and further interact with them via the command line.

How do I get a list of all files and directories in a given directory in Python?

os. listdir() method gets the list of all files and directories in a specified directory. By default, it is the current directory.

How can I list everything inside a directory in Julia?

In Julia, how can I list everything inside a given directory? This lists all files and in a current directory folder as Vector {String} This walks through whole directory tree and returns a Vector of 3-element tuples where first element is directory, second list of it subdirectories and the third the list of files in a directory.

How do I get a list of files in a directory?

Dir(): Using the Dir() function you can get the list of files and folders in a specific path. The Dir() function takes 2 input parameters, the directory path and the type of file we are looking for: strPath is the path of the directory which the files and folder are in.

Is there a built-in directory search in Julia?

There is no built-in directory search that I know of, but it is a one-liner: UPDATE: Since at least Julia v0.7, contains () has been deprecated for occursin (substring, string). So the above filter would now be: Show activity on this post. An alternative solution is to use the Glob.jl package.

How do I find the type of a file or folder?

The Dir () function takes 2 input parameters, the directory path and the type of file we are looking for: strPath is the path of the directory which the files and folder are in. The FileAttribute specifies what type of file or folder we are after.

1 Answers


This lists all files and in a current directory folder as Vector{String}

Of course you can provide directory name:


On Windows a useful practice is raw String macro:


If you want to see what is in subdirectories use walkdir:

items = [item for item in walkdir("some/path")]

This walks through whole directory tree and returns a Vector of 3-element tuples where first element is directory, second list of it subdirectories and the third the list of files in a directory.

like image 113
Przemyslaw Szufel Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10

Przemyslaw Szufel